To Wait on God’s Timing

Loving Lord,
While I am grateful for your gift of time, I confess that I have much room to grow when it comes to waiting on your timing. The Bible is filled with saints who waited on your timing to deliver them and carry out your promises, but it often feels like I haven’t learned anything from their examples. I grow impatient as I wait for your answers to my prayers. I get frustrated when I don’t see the transformation in my life when by faith I put your Word into practice. I am annoyed by the refusal of others to change over time. 

Forgive my impatience. Grant me a willing spirit to wait on your timing and to trust that you act with perfect precision – never too early and never too late, but always right on time. Use my seasons of waiting to keep working on me, so that when you do act, I am prepared and ready to move forward confidently in faith. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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