For Your Word in My Life

Heavenly King,
Your kingdom is like no other kingdom the world has ever seen. It wasn’t established by conquering armies or political prowess. It isn’t bound by borders. It will never be overtaken. Instead, your kingdom comes through the power of your Word as the news of the gospel echoes all over the world.

Since your kingdom revolves around the work of the Word, let my life also revolve around that Word. Forgive me for any on and off relationship I have with my Bible, and grant me the determination to strive for more consistency in reading and studying it. Help me to anticipate any current or future hindrances that arise, so that I am prepared for them and can successfully navigate around them. Through your Word, draw me into a closer, deeper relationship with you as your Holy Spirit fortifies my faith, and use me to serve your purposes in your kingdom. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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