To Forgive Others

Merciful Father,
Forgiveness is foundational to my faith. Indeed, it is why I can even approach you with my prayers in the first place. No words or expression of my thanks could ever fully capture how grateful I am for your forgiveness.

Yet as appreciative as I am for your willingness to forgive me, still I struggle more than I should with forgiving others. There are those whose actions have left me with significant scars. There are others who have carried out unimaginably despicable things against others. In cases like these, it can be easier for me to withhold my forgiveness and to bear a grudge. I know better, yet I remain bitter. 

In such cases, fix my eyes to your cross, where I see again the price you paid for my forgiveness. Remind me that even though I daily give you every reason to bear a grudge against me, to remain bitter toward me, and to withhold your forgiveness from me, instead you choose to forgive all of my sin. Always. Give me your grace to always forgive others in that same way.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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