Heaven Is… a Great Banquet for Everyone

(Luke 14:15-24)

When you attend a significant event, the number of people present matters. How would it feel going to hear your favorite band or singer in concert at a large venue and being surrounded by empty seats? What if you received a special exclusive invite to the opening of a trendy new restaurant and only a handful of other people were there? It was one thing to have to witness that kind of emptiness during the pandemic when in-person attendance was not permitted, but barring those restrictions, we expect big events to bring in big numbers of people. If not, and attendance is sparse, it can result in lower expectations, second-guessing the level of quality associated with the function, or wondering about the organization of the whole thing. Numbers matter. We are impressed by large attendance numbers at events – they give credibility to something.

Have you ever wondered what the attendance numbers in heaven will be like? On the one hand, we have pictures of multitudes gathered around the throne. Each of Daniel and John’s (Revelation) visions make reference to thousands upon thousands and ten thousands upon ten thousand – numbers which may refer to just angels or could also include believers. Jesus preached to large crowds and many came to faith. Throughout the book of Acts we are told the Holy Spirit added thousands to the faith here and there through the preaching of the Word. World statistics of professing Christians currently top 2.5 billion, to say nothing of the total number of believers existing throughout history. So it would appear that heaven will be pretty full.

But Jesus also said, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to” (Lk. 13:24). And in the parable before us this morning there are clearly a number who excuse themselves for a variety of reasons, leaving the master to conclude, “I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet” (14:24). So will it be many or few? What will the numbers be like in heaven? We can’t say for sure, and while I know few of us like to hear that answer, we must be willing to accept it frequently in regard to questions about heaven. Instead then, let’s give our attention to two matters that we DO have control over: 1) making sure we get there, and 2) taking as many with us as we possibly can.

I know it feels rather odd even to state it that way, to “make sure we get” to heaven. There’s nothing for us to do! Jesus did it all, so what could we possibly need to “do” to make sure we get there? He traded heaven for earth to make sure that one day we would be able to trade earth for heaven. His perfect obedience replaced our daily disobedience. On the cross he was forsaken so we could be forgiven. How do we cover that debt when it has already been paid? How do we convince a judge who’s already declared us innocent because of what Jesus has achieved as our Sacrifice and Substitute?  

It’s really more about what we can make sure we don’t do rather than taking credit for anything we can do. Simply put, don’t lose what you’ve been given. Don’t reject the free gift of salvation. Don’t misplace your invitation. Don’t let the big day arrive and find you unprepared because you allowed enough excuses to mount up over time that you became preoccupied with this life at the expense of the next one. It’s as if every time you make an excuse, you are pounding in yet one more tent stake to make this your permanent home instead of heaven.

It would appear this is a very legitimate concern on the part of Jesus. At least that’s the way it comes across in the parable. Not only do the servants receive a variety of excuses from the invitees when the party is finally ready, but notice how many times the host has to send out his servants to bring in more guests – three times they are sent out! That would seem to emphasize two important truths. One, many will end up on the outside looking in when it comes to heaven. Two, God really means it when he says that he wants everyone to be saved. Why else would he continue to send out his servants to invite others? “Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full” (v.23). There’s still room. 

There’s still room. You probably noticed the Trunk or Treat invites in your worship folders. Those invites aren’t for you, because you already know you’re invited. But they are for you to pass along to someone else. Heaven is the same. You already know it’s for you, but now the invite is for you to pass along to others. 

So each and every one of us can focus on one or both of the two things we DO have control over. If you are in the excuse-making camp of the banquet invitees in the parable and are dangerously close to forfeiting your spot at the heavenly banquet, then that needs your urgent attention. Get your act together and make your faith the priority it needs to be so that you don’t give up what you’ve been given. And if you are solid in that department, then you can give attention to your role of passing along the invites. One or the other or both is where we all should be. Make sure you get there and do your best to help as many others as possible get there. 

Where exactly is “there?” What will “there” be like? After all, that’s what we’re really interested in – the information about what the accommodations in heaven will be like, right? So will there be an actual feast, a banquet, as heaven is so often depicted in Scripture? Will the most tantalizing food and drink imaginable be served? The perfect cut of meat, perfectly cooked, or for those who prefer, the perfect Beyond Meat plant-based product perfectly imitating the perfect cut of meat, perfectly cooked? Will the food melt on your tongue the moment it touches it? Will the beverages be served chilled so they aren’t too cold or not too hot so they avoid burning your tongue? Will there be appetizers? How many courses? And dessert – what about dessert??? Now that I’ve lost you for the rest of the sermon… will we actually experience any of this? 

Or… is it all figurative picture language to make heaven more relatable to us? It would make sense that Jesus would speak a parable involving a great feast, given he spoke these words this morning while he was a guest at a Pharisee’s house for a meal. And, the comment made to Jesus leading up to the parable referenced the blessing of feasting in the kingdom of God. So is Jesus merely tying his description of heaven to something we can conceptualize, something we could connect to through personal experience? After all, as much as both the Old and the New Testaments speak about heaven as a sit-down saintly smorgasbord, the Bible also says that no one in heaven will ever hunger or thirst. Therefore, if there is eating and drinking, it won’t be out of a need of sustenance, but rather out of the joy and pleasure associated with it.

Here is another thought: why should we ever experience any good pleasure at all in a broken, fallen world? Why should we be able to enjoy tasty delicacies and delightful drink? Surely a world of rebellious sinners has not and could not earn the right to such pleasure? No, but God is good. God is gracious. Maybe there is another reason behind God allowing us such enjoyment – perhaps such pleasures have an even greater purpose: merely to whet our appetite for what is coming in heaven. Certainly no good, no excellent experience here on earth was ever intended to attract us so strongly to this temporal world; rather could it serve all the more to provide us with teaser upon teaser of how splendid heaven will be? 

And don’t forget another part of a great meal – one enjoyed with favored guests! After all, a meal spent with old friends can make even the blandest food palatable. And even outstanding food is only made better when enjoyed in the presence of those dear to us. Think of that part of a feast or banquet – not so much about the food, but about the guests gathered together to enjoy it together. That is real joy! Gathering around food builds community. Meals are where stories are shared and memories are made. Traditions and family rituals so often involve food. Food satisfies, but sometimes the biggest role it serves is to bring people together. And that is certainly one of the main themes of heaven, isn’t it – all of God’s blood-bought saints finally being brought together in perfect unity and harmony? No polarizing division. No draining disagreements. Just Jesus-centered gathering.

Years ago there was a popular series of T-shirt slogans that had a statement regarding one’s favorite sport. It had a simple phrase indicating that one’s favorite sport was life, and the rest was just details. “Basketball/tennis/golf/baseball/etc. is life. The rest is just details.” The point was clear: nothing else really mattered. The wearer of the T-shirt was claiming that other concerns in life were quite trivial in comparison to the favorite sport. 

At the end of the day, there is much speculation about what heaven will be like. There are many unknowns. We don’t know if there will be a literal banquet feast or if the imagery is merely figurative. But there is one known: Jesus will be there. And we’ll get to be with him. Nothing will be better. In heaven we could rightly sport the T-shirt, “Jesus is (eternal) life. The rest is just details.” Let’s make sure that when we’re done here on earth, each and every one of us – and as many others as we can possibly bring along – are all wearing the same shirts.

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