For Prudence in Managing My Finances
Dear God,
Any good gift I have comes from your loving hand. All that I have from you is a trust to be managed. Help me to be prudent in my handling of it.
I especially seek your guidance in managing my finances. Others may welcome debt as a normal part of life, but I want to avoid it as much as possible and live within my means. While it is a simple recipe to avoid spending more than I make, it is also simple to thoughtlessly and effortlessly purchase unnecessary items and services with the click of a button from my phone or laptop. Keep me free from slavery to stuff while also avoiding the reputation of being a stingy miser. Let me be known for a generosity that willingly meets the needs of others and eagerly supports gospel ministry. Richly bless my faithful efforts at managing what you entrust to me, so that I may continue to honor you by richly blessing others with it.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.