To Imitate Joseph and Mary

Precious Lord,
You chose Joseph and Mary to carry out the important role of parents to the Savior of the world. In humility, they were willing to overcome obstacles and adversity, both within their own relationship as well as difficult external circumstances. On top of this they had to bear the burden of scrutiny that would come along with parenting the Savior. Their faithful servant hearts provide fine examples for us to follow.

When you call me to serve, no matter what that may look like, grant me the necessary humility to faithfully follow through. When I feel inadequate or unqualified, boost my confidence with the reminder that when you call me to serve, you always provide what is needed to carry out that service. And, as Mary took time to reflect and ponder after the birth, lead me to do the same whenever an act of service is completed. Help me to see how you used my service to be a blessing to others and to me, filling me with gratitude for the privilege of being considered worthy to serve. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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