For Advent Hope
Savior Jesus,
Advent fills us with hope, peace, and joy. I thank you, Lord, for a hope that surpasses the mere wishful longing of this world. The hope we have in you is not a possibility, but a promise. It is so much more than an optimistic outlook; it is a confident certainty. No one whose hope rests in you has ever been disappointed, nor will anyone ever be, since hope that rests in you is hope backed by your own Word.
Only this hope satisfies and sustains us, because it is anchored in you. As I prepare to celebrate Christmas, help me to see that the hope you brought into the world at your birth is real, and it is for me and all people. The hope of eternal life is a guarantee secured by your life, death, and resurrection. Just as surely as you lived, died, and rose for me, so also will I rise one day to live forever with you. Hold THIS hope always before me!
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.