To Embrace the Gift of Repentance
Faithful Jesus,
Repentance is one of those religious words that has gotten a negative reputation. To some degree, that reputation is understandable, as repentance includes taking a good look at ourselves and owning up to our shortcomings and sin. However, such a reputation may also stem from too many billboard, picket, and sandwich signs that have framed repentance as a term of hate-filled hellfire and brimstone.
Help me to see repentance for what it truly is, Lord: an invitation to find rest in your work without insisting on my own. My natural way is to pick the path of my own choosing that I think serves me best rather than relying on your rest. But any path I choose on my own only takes me further away from you.
Your gift of repentance opens my eyes to see the need to turn off my own path and follow you, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Since sin continually entices me to step off your path, I daily need – and want – to repent and return back to you as often as necessary. I can be confident of the same response on your part every single time I repent: when I return to you, you promise to return to me. In fact by faith, I see that you never turned away from me in the first place, and never will.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.