For a Strong Heart
Mighty Lord,
A weak heart is a significant health concern. Even relatively light physical activity can be a risk. A poor diet could cause even greater damage. Things that could normally be taken for granted with a healthy heart have to be given serious consideration when the heart is weak.
What is true of a physically weak heart is also true of a spiritually weak heart. A weak heart may be easily led astray. It can drift away from God or depend on other people or things for what God promises to provide. It easily folds in the face of temptation. It questions and even challenges God.
Grant me, therefore, a strong heart. Strengthen my heart through your Word. Build it up by increasing my faith and cementing my trust in you. Make me spiritually heart-healthy so that I cling to your promises and confidently walk in your ways. Let me be a solid example for others to follow and use me to lead and guide others closer to you.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.