To Speak Well of Others

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. In the Eighth Commandment you command us to speak the truth, especially regarding our neighbor. Falsehood and gossip can do great damage to others that is not easily undone. Lies bring into question the reputation and character of others that can ruin their good name.

When I lie, when I am dishonest, when I slander others, how I need the truth of your forgiveness! Cleanse not only my lips, but my heart as well, which is the spring from which my words flow. May my mouth always speak the truth, and always in love. Let my speech be useful in building others up rather than tearing them down, in defending others rather than defaming them, and in forgiving rather than fault-finding. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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