To Honor Your Gifts of Marriage and Sex

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. When we rearrange or discard your commands according to our own wishes, we shouldn’t be surprised when things begin to unravel. Sadly, we see this damage play out in homes and families as a result of tearing apart your gifts of marriage and sex. Your intent was for these two blessings always – and only – to be enjoyed together. So much collateral damage has been caused by our insistence on treating these gifts separately and according to our own selfish views.

Forgive me for my role in contributing to the diminishing views of marriage and sex. Where I have objectified and lusted after women and glorified sex, I have been a part of the problem. Help me to speak well of marriage and hold it in high regard. When I see husbands and wives struggling or the topic of divorce becoming a part of the conversation, lead me to pray for those marriages. Compel all married couples to pursue you along with each other, and grant those who are single a spirit of contentment with their station in life, opening their eyes to the unique blessings you have for them. Guard all of our hearts from sexual temptation, and restore this precious gift to its rightful place within marriage.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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