For Patience With the Unbelieving

Saving Lord,
Grant me wisdom and patience when dealing with those who don’t believe. When they are friends and family, let me be especially aware of how my day-to-day words and actions might shape their view of my Christian faith and more importantly, how they see you. I never want to be an obstacle in their way of seeking and ultimately finding you. 

When they mock me or make things difficult for me because of my faith, strengthen me to bear up under it and not to be shocked by any unbelieving behavior. Instead, use my resolve and unwavering faith in you even in the face of ridicule to leave them with a favorable impression of what committed faith looks like. Remove any fear or reluctance I might have in speaking the truth in love to them, especially when I have opportunity to point them to their Savior. In the Holy Spirit’s perfect timing, use me in any way possible to bring them to faith in you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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