For the Faith of Those on the Fringe

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Multitudes who belong to you will gather together in your house for worship to be fed the Bread of Life. Sadly, some among them are on the fringe when it comes to their faith. They’ve questioned. They’ve struggled. It may have been some specific incident that caused it or a doctrine or teaching that offended. Whatever it is, Lord, Satan is ready to pounce and deal them the eternal death blow. 

But they belong to you, and since you promise not to snuff out a smoldering wick or break a bruised reed, I boldly ask you to use their time in your house this morning to help keep that promise. Use a timely word heard as the Bible is read or as it is proclaimed in the sermon, a touching phrase from a hymn, or some other relevant application of your Word in their life to provide exactly what they need. Guard and protect them as precious sheep of your flock, and authoritatively dismiss the devil with the reminder that he cannot claim those who are yours. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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