To Imitate Jesus

Dear Jesus,
The more I know about you, the more I want to be like you. Your words and actions are a breath of fresh air in a me-minded world that so easily overlooks the needs of others. When I look at the behaviors of the world, I see so much that is lacking. Sadly, the same is true when I look in the mirror.

In thankfulness for the perfect life of obedience you lived in my place, allow my gratitude to influence my attitude. When my attitude is in alignment with your Word, transform my behavior to reflect it. Shape and mold me into your likeness, so that I become a clearer reflection of you as I walk in your footsteps. I want to be intentional about standing out in this dark world as a bearer of your light. Grant me your Spirit, not only to know your will, but to carry it out more and more. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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