For Courage to Face Fear

Almighty God,
I do not want my fears to debilitate me or limit how you can use me in your service. Whatever, fears I am facing right now, I bring them before you to ask for your help in overcoming them. Grant me the courage to stand up to my fears and face them with your confidence. The pages of Scripture are filled with your calming reminders and your chastising rebukes to your people not to be afraid. I need those reminders, too!

Give me a healthy perspective of fear, so that it serves me instead of suffocating me. It can make me aware of the need to be more careful and cautious in certain situations. Use fear positively to drive me back to you and your strength, so that I am addressing fears the right way – with confidence not in myself, but always in you. Through Jesus’ resurrection, victory is guaranteed. Fill me with the faith to believe it and to show it by boldly taking on my fears, no matter what they are. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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