To Bless Preachers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Today I pray for all of those entrusted with the noble task of preaching to your people. It is a high and holy calling to be privileged to serve as your spokesperson, speaking your Word to your people. Give preachers a spirit of bold humility, one that relies not on their own abilities, but instead finds confidence in the power of your Word. Provide a steady diet of law and gospel in sermons everywhere, so that those hearers who are comfortable in their sin may be afflicted, while those who are afflicted by their sin may be comforted.

Guard your Word from being manipulated or twisted to serve sinister motives or impure desires, but see to it that it is proclaimed faithfully and truthfully. Let the work of Jesus as Substitute and Savior be clearly proclaimed, allowing the seed of the gospel to be sown everywhere. Make fertile hearts through it, so that through your Word, much fruit may be produced through your people, building up your kingdom and amplifying your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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