To See the Blessings of Discipline

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on it produces a harvest of righteousness. You allow hardships and trials in my life to test and try my faith. In the thick of those seasons, faith’s vision easily becomes blurred and it can appear as if you have it out for us. Correct my vision and give me clarity to see the good you desire to work in my life through such turbulence.

Other times, when the spoiled fruit of my own sin yields unpleasant or challenging consequences, it’s easy to play the victim or to complain. Instead, lead me to own up to my wrongs and thank you for the pleasing fruit you can yield through me in repentance. Just as an earthly father corrects and disciplines his children because he loves them, so you do the same for us. With that in mind, prune and shape me even more, and give me the faith to see it and embrace it for the blessing it is.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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