To Carry out My Great Commission

Lord of the Church,
When you sent your disciples on their mission to make disciples, you were entrusting that mission to your Church for all time. When you entrusted that mission to your Church for all time, you were entrusting it to me. As a believer, you desire to use my gifts and my lips to put your Word to work in every way possible to make disciples.

Yet I confess that this mission of the church – my mission – is far too often an afterthought. The lost are last on my mind. My focus is naturally on my own situation rather than my neighbor’s soul. Cover me with your mercy and forgive my indifference toward evangelism. Give me a mission-minded heart and a Spirit-filled awareness of those around me who need you. Regularly provide me with opportunities to evangelize, and fill me with the courage of the apostle Paul to speak up in those situations and confidently confess the good news of the gospel to others.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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