For Families

Loving Father,
You have established the family to be a blessing – a blessing that extends well beyond the walls of a home, into communities and societies. Since healthy families begin with strong marriages, thank you for bringing husbands and wives together and binding them in dedicated commitment to each other and to you. Fill them with the grace to love and forgive each other unconditionally. 

Where you have granted the gift of children, guide parents to raise them under the shadow of the cross and to model for them what a love for you and your Word looks like. Lead them to exercise godly discipline always in love, that you might produce righteousness in and through their children. Grant children a willing spirit of obedience and help them to respect their parents. Make the extended family to be a system of support and encouragement as well, providing nurture and direction as needed. 

While all homes are broken to some degree by sin, some struggle with unique challenges. Bring your healing especially into those homes, so that even when families are dysfunctional, your grace might abound and bring blessing. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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