Gratitude for Technology

Dear Lord,
When I pause to consider all the good gifts you give me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Not only do you provide for my every spiritual need, but you give me all that I need physically, too – and so much more than just the necessities. Your generosity is so abundant!

Today I want to thank you for the blessing of technology, which affects my life in so many ways. My phone connects me to countless people and opportunities and experiences instantly. Gaming and streaming options provide endless entertainment. Hospitals are filled with modern medical equipment that saves and sustains lives. Homes are filled with technology that makes so many things so much easier. Thank you!

I also pray that you keep me vigilant in my use of technology. Guard me from becoming mastered by it or attached to it in unhealthy ways, but like all things, to use it in moderation. Since it can also serve as a gateway to sin, protect my eyes and my heart from experiencing anything that would dishonor you, and send your Spirit to guide me with discernment in my use of technology. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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