To See Your Good in All Things

God Almighty,
You promise me that you work all things for the good of those who love you. What an amazing promise this is! Where I so often struggle even to bring good out of the relatively few things I can control in my life, you assure me that you bring good from everything.

Although I know this promise, my spiritual short-sightedness stifles my trust in it – especially when I am faced with bad news or difficult challenges. Those are the times I sense Satan’s deceitful whispers, leading me to question the reliability of your love and providence for me. When my reason and logic are not satisfied with how I perceive you to be working in my life, cause my faith to intervene and grant me the awareness to see your hand at work. And, even when it still may not be clear to me in such times, broaden my faith to believe it – that you are good, and are always working for good in my life. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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