What If You’re Using the Wrong Grading Scale?

Photo by Quinten de Graaf

My wife was devastated.

She had studied intensely to pass a certification test.

She had failed. Miserably.

Or so she thought. See, the original raw score she had received immediately after completing the test reflected numbers that she knew were far below what was required to pass. She texted me right away to let me know she had done poorly. However, after she arrived home and we talked about it a bit, she looked online and saw different scores that were apparently determined by a different grading scale. She had passed! She wasn’t the miserable failure she initially feared she was (which we both already knew)! Her pass/fail was simply determined by a different final grading scale.

I fear a significant number will encounter a similar shock when their life here on earth is over and they have to stand before the Lord. Only the shock will come for a different reason. Many have the impression that they’re passing the test with flying colors. They’re good people. They mean well. They treat others kindly. They don’t steal. They have no track record of domestic violence. They don’t swear. They’ve never even torn the tag off a mattress!

But what happens when they find out that God grades on a different scale? What happens when they turn in their life test that they figured would easily make the grade, only to find that not only is it not good enough – it’s complete trash! The thing is, there won’t be any good people in heaven. Heaven is for perfect people, and perfect people only. Newsflash: you’re not one of them. Neither am I.

That’s where Jesus comes in. Jesus brings a curve to the grading scale. It benefits all who believe in his perfection in their place and his payment (with his life!) for their failing grades. Jesus made the grade for all who believe. He passed the test for us. If you’re not counting on his perfection when the final grades are posted, you’re in for a surprise.

The good news? As long as you’re living and breathing (which I assume you are if you’re reading this!), God allows as many retakes as necessary until you let Jesus pass the test for you.

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