To Avoid Judging Others

Dear Lord,
Your call to love my friends and my enemies is a challenging one, not only because of who they are, but because of who I am. It is too natural for me to make snap judgments about others or assume something negative about them without even knowing them. I easily form an unfavorable opinion of them on the basis of their overall appearance, the way they dress, or they way they carry themselves. Without actually knowing any real details about who they are as people, I have made up my mind as to whether or not they are worth my time and attention. 

How grateful I am that you don’t judge me on the basis of me, but rather on the merits of my perfect Savior! Forgive me for then turning around and judging others on the basis of such trivial things. Give me the mind and heart of Jesus, to exude love and care to everyone at all times. Free me from favoritism, from using arbitrary criteria to determine where to extend my help and service, and instead let me base it on wherever there is a need. Help me to see others as you do at all times.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Taste and See Your Goodness

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. In your Word you invite us to taste and see that you are good. Sundays are an ideal opportunity to take you up on your invitation. In every way possible this morning, as I walk into your house for worship, let me experience your goodness. As I take note of the worship space and consider how so much of it directs my attention to you, let me see your goodness. When I sing hymns that recount all that you have done on my behalf, all that you do daily for me, and all that you promise to do for me in the future, let me see your goodness. When your Word is read and proclaimed, send your Spirit to enlighten my understanding of you and reinforce my faith as you let me see your goodness. When I leave your house, having been filled up and encouraged, let me leave with a renewed zeal to pursue righteous living and to draw others to you so they, too, may see your goodness. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Love Your Word and Worship

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. You command us to love your Word and worship, not because you need it from us, but because you know our greatest need is you. You alone save, and without you and apart from you nothing else matters. So when I despise or neglect your Word, I am on the most dangerous path possible.

In this modern day, I have more opportunities than anyone at any time in history not only to study your Word, but also to worship with other believers. Since there is no other means by which you build up and bless your people and your church, instill in me a craving for the Bible. Create in me a longing to gather with fellow believers to be fed and nourished by your Word as it is sung, spoken, and proclaimed in worship. Make me diligent in prioritizing daily time with you in your Word, so that I may treasure it as it ought to be treasured. Through it, keep me near to you for this life, so that I may be near you in the life to come.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Trust You More

Mighty God,
You assure me that those who put their trust in you will never be ashamed. While your promises are true and trustworthy, I am nonetheless ashamed – because of my lack of trust. I know the Scriptures. I know your promises. Still, though, I waver and doubt. 

In your grace, take my shaky trust and solidify it. When I am uncertain, replace my uncertainty with surety. Remind me of your perfect record of past promises kept. Release me from the need to be in control and the false feeling that I ever really am in control in the first place. Free me from needing to know the outcome first before I trust you with all my heart, and remain faithful to me even when my own faith is wayward and wandering.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Blessing of Food

Gracious Father,
Thank you for the gift of food by which you physically sustain us. You certainly could have chosen other ways to fuel our bodies, but something like food, so easily taken for granted, shows how you delight in giving us good things. 

Thank you for simple things like a cup of coffee in the morning or shared with a friend, but also for the more complex things, like multi-course meals that allow us to experience such a wide range of pleasurable tastes. You have blessed many with the creativity and knowledge to combine ingredients and prepare amazing dishes that most of us would never even consider. Not only do you provide food in abundance, with so many options from which to choose, but it’s also as convenient and accessible as it has ever been. In appreciation for the gift of good, help us to have a healthy relationship with it, not wasting it, but also not giving into gluttony by overindulging or gorging ourselves with it.  

We also realize that there are so many in this world who have a different experience with food, starving and struggling just for basic nutrition and sustenance. Remember them and provide for them, and make us mindful of how you might use our abundance to provide for their needs. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Appreciate Being Single

Lord God,
While it is a special blessing when you bring a husband and a wife together in marriage, let us also appreciate the blessings that come with being single. Each station in life, being single and being married, provide unique opportunities. Without the responsibility of caring for a spouse or child(ren), singles often have more freedom and flexibility in their schedules. That may allow them to more readily enjoy experiences in their lives that aren’t available to families or couples. Not being as tied down also opens up additional chances to serve others in more ways. 

While marriage requires much time and attention to be given to a spouse, being single means that time and attention can be directed to one’s relationship with you, Lord. Provide contentment to those who are single, and patience to those praying for a future spouse, so that in their desire to be married, they are not robbed of the joys unique to being single.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Imitate Jesus

Dear Jesus,
The more I know about you, the more I want to be like you. Your words and actions are a breath of fresh air in a me-minded world that so easily overlooks the needs of others. When I look at the behaviors of the world, I see so much that is lacking. Sadly, the same is true when I look in the mirror.

In thankfulness for the perfect life of obedience you lived in my place, allow my gratitude to influence my attitude. When my attitude is in alignment with your Word, transform my behavior to reflect it. Shape and mold me into your likeness, so that I become a clearer reflection of you as I walk in your footsteps. I want to be intentional about standing out in this dark world as a bearer of your light. Grant me your Spirit, not only to know your will, but to carry it out more and more. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Moderation

Gracious God,
You go above and beyond in providing my blessings. Not only do you provide my daily bread; you give me more than I need and so much of a what I want. My list of reasons for which to give thanks is never a short one!

Along with these abundant blessings comes the challenge of appreciating them sensibly. While you give me so much to enjoy, I am tempted to overdo it at times. Give me the self control to make use of what you give me in moderation. It isn’t only sinful things I need to guard against, but good things gone to the extreme. Eating, gaming, social media/scrolling, even reading or working out – these and so many other activities are all things that can consume me in an unhealthy way. Help me to be disciplined in my use of your blessings. Do not allow me to be mastered by anything, but always in control, and using all that you give me to your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Serve Others in Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. When I enter your house of worship, I am eager to be fed and served by you with a diet of law and gospel. So much of worship directs my attention to the many ways you have served me in the past, you currently serve me in the present, and you promise to serve me in the future. How blessed I am to be served by you!

Your service to me inspires my service to others. Help me see the ways I can serve others gathering for worship this morning. I don’t just want to be a Sunday morning consumer, but also a contributor. Use worship as a platform to provide opportunities for me to follow in your footsteps by serving others. Give me the confidence to step in and serve when and where I can, and help others to be unafraid to ask. May your service to me and my service to other be a blessing today. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Your Name

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. With the Second Commandment you emphasize the importance of protecting your name and reputation. Through abuse, misuse, and even simply treating your name too casually, I have failed to give your name the honor and respect it deserves. It’s also a shame when your name is used to curse or wish evil on someone – especially when your name alone is the name that saves! 

May I revere your name by using it for the holy purposes you intended: to pray, praise, and give thanks. I want others to know the blessings associated with your name. Lead me to speak of you with respect and call on you confidently in the presence of others. Help me to appreciate the deep meaning behind the many different names and titles ascribed to you in Scripture and what they reveal about you. I pray that my thoughts, words, and actions will always glorify your name. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.