To Support Ministry Partners

Dear Lord,
Thank you for providing so many laborers in your vineyard. As gifted leaders, strong lay workers, and   pastors and teachers work faithfully together, you watch over your flock and bear much fruit. Bless the spiritual care they provide to your people and to each other. Use them to defend against the devil’s attacks and to equip your people to do the same for their families and for themselves. 

Give me an awareness to know when your workers are struggling, so that I may help them shoulder whatever burdens they are bearing. I want to provide them with support in ways that refresh them and make their work a joy. Make me an encourager to them in ways that they feel valued and appreciated. Help me always to speak well of them and to defend them from unkind words and gossip. Use me to build them up so that they effectively continue to build up your church. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Meet the Needs of Others

Loving Lord,
When you retreated with the disciples for recovery and rest from your labors, that time was short-lived; the crowds tracked you down, and they brought their cares and concerns with them. In your compassion you did not turn them away, but gave them what was most important by teaching them the truths that would serve them eternally.

I ask for that same spirit of compassion toward others. Too often I find myself irritated by others when they approach me or seek to interact with me as I am simply trying to go about my business. I see them as an obstacle rather than an opportunity. Forgive me and help me to change that. Give me your selfless heart for others, a heart that welcomes them and is willing to drop everything to meet their needs however I am able. Fill me with the compassion to be able to identify the needs of others, so that I can love, serve, and bless them whenever those needs arise. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Bless Preachers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Today I pray for all of those entrusted with the noble task of preaching to your people. It is a high and holy calling to be privileged to serve as your spokesperson, speaking your Word to your people. Give preachers a spirit of bold humility, one that relies not on their own abilities, but instead finds confidence in the power of your Word. Provide a steady diet of law and gospel in sermons everywhere, so that those hearers who are comfortable in their sin may be afflicted, while those who are afflicted by their sin may be comforted.

Guard your Word from being manipulated or twisted to serve sinister motives or impure desires, but see to it that it is proclaimed faithfully and truthfully. Let the work of Jesus as Substitute and Savior be clearly proclaimed, allowing the seed of the gospel to be sown everywhere. Make fertile hearts through it, so that through your Word, much fruit may be produced through your people, building up your kingdom and amplifying your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Our society celebrates the pursuit of pleasure in excess and lives by an “if it feels good, do it” mantra. Yet even in Christian freedom, your Word reminds me that while everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial. When I can no longer say no to something, then I have become mastered by it.

To counter such extremes, Holy Spirit, grant me instead a spirit of discipline and self-control. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions to keep me from being enslaved by anything in this world. Lead me to pursue that which is virtuous and highly esteemed in your sight. Curb my sinful desires and strengthen me to say no when I need to. Give me the maturity to avoid whatever deceives me with the promise of instant gratification. Where I know I am weak, surround me with fellow believers who know my weaknesses and are willing to stand firmly beside me so that I do not fall. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


Thanks for My Church Family

Loving Father,
You provide so much more than we need for this life. One of the greatest joys you give us is the family of believers. We don’t navigate the challenges or celebrate the blessings of this life alone, but get to do so together with so many other believers. Thank you for my church family!

So much of what you call us to do as your children involves others, and my church family provides one of the best platforms for field training. Here is where I can learn to love, serve, and forgive, to hold accountable, correct, and encourage – among so many other things. Keep me from overlooking the importance of gathering together with fellow believers, so that I don’t miss out on how you would use them to shape and influence me, and vice-versa. As we walk together in carrying out your ministry, extend your kingdom from within and without, strengthening souls and reaching the lost, all to your glory. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Music

Loving Father,
Thank you for the gift of music. I realize it isn’t an essential necessity for life, as are things like food, water, and sleep, but that speaks to your goodness and love even more! Music uplifts and brings joy, but can also match my mood when I am melancholy. It can move along gracefully or powerfully inspire and build up. Thank you for those with vocal and instrumental gifts who also have the desire to put them to use for the greater good. 

Thank you for many faithful composers and hymn writers throughout the centuries who have made the Scriptures singable. Thank you for the songs that have edified believers for so many generations in worship. Richly bless us with musical gifts both secular and sacred. Continue to raise up gifted musicians in your church to equip and enable us to sing your praises as we proclaim the good news of the gospel in song until Jesus’ return.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Financial Prudence

Gracious God,
Money is a gift from you. Thank you for the ways you place it into my hands: through wages earned from employment, via returns from business opportunities and investments, and as gifts received from others. By itself money is neither good nor bad; honoring you in how I manage it is what determines whether it will be a blessing or a hindrance. Guide me in my handling of money. Guard my heart against our culture’s consumerism, keep me from piling up debt, and fill me with contentment. Help me use finances to provide for my own needs and for the needs of my family when possible. Move me to save wisely and to support others in need as I have opportunity. Let your grace work in my heart to also be generous in my offerings as I cheerfully support your gospel ministry. Grant me a spirit that is also willing to use money for joy and pleasure, always sensibly and as appropriate. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Time

Heavenly Father,
Our times are in your hands. Teach us to number our days so that we manage our time here on earth well. While some days seem rushed and others seem to drag on, you give each of us the same 24 hours every day. I ask you to help me make the most of the time you give me. I don’t want to take it for granted or presume there will always be time later on for what is important. Give me the self-control and discipline to maintain a healthy balance between time for recreation and enjoyment and time for focused work and dedicated service to others. Whether a spirit of sloth sets in or my relationship with work becomes consuming, use trusted friends or family to help me realize it and review how I am managing your gift of time. Above all else, move me to always prioritize my time with you, both personally in my daily devotional time, and together with brothers and sisters in the faith in worship and Bible study. May I always honor you in the way I maximize your gift of time. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Your Gifts of Marriage and Sex

Dear Savior,
The world has taken your gifts of marriage and sex, separated the two from each other, and the results have been disastrous. Marriage has been stripped of so many of its blessings as it is viewed as an out-dated, optional arrangement. Sex is treated as simply another self-serving pleasure to be pursued at will. Without the commitment, the faithfulness, and the spouse-first humble service of marriage, families and individuals have been deeply hurt, broken, and trampled on by the misuse and abuse of relationships and sex.

I pray that you help me to address the issue and lead by example. Help me to speak highly and respectfully of your gifts of marriage and sex, and of women in general. Guard my own heart from sexual temptations. I want to celebrate wedding anniversaries as precious milestones that serve as testaments to the blessings attached to your institution of marriage. Surround me with solid marriages, dedicated spouses, and flourishing families, all for the betterment of our society and for your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Focused Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Give me attentive ears and undistracted eyes to hear and see the mystery of the gospel in worship today. Allow your gospel to captivate me as it is sung and spoken, that it might create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. Sharpen my focus for the duration of worship, that I may continually see the cross on display from beginning to end. Edify all of us in attendance, and equip us to joyfully live out our callings through your gospel. Bless all who gather in your house today for worship.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.