For Your Presence

Ever-present Lord,
Before you ascended, you assured your disciples that you would be with them always. You also promise that you will never leave nor forsake me. I believe you, because your words and promises never fail. 

Nevertheless, there are certainly times when my feelings don’t match my faith. I question why it feels like my prayers are falling on deaf ears. I struggle and cannot escape feelings of loneliness. At times I even depart worship and wonder if you were really there. 

During those doubts, allow my faith to swell up and overshadow my unreliable feelings. Redirect me away from shallow feelings to the substance of my faith: your Word. My own feelings deceive me, but your Word never will. Although at times I drift away from you, you will never depart from me nor turn your face from me. Give me the sturdy faith to believe it.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Families

Loving Father,
You have established the family to be a blessing – a blessing that extends well beyond the walls of a home, into communities and societies. Since healthy families begin with strong marriages, thank you for bringing husbands and wives together and binding them in dedicated commitment to each other and to you. Fill them with the grace to love and forgive each other unconditionally. 

Where you have granted the gift of children, guide parents to raise them under the shadow of the cross and to model for them what a love for you and your Word looks like. Lead them to exercise godly discipline always in love, that you might produce righteousness in and through their children. Grant children a willing spirit of obedience and help them to respect their parents. Make the extended family to be a system of support and encouragement as well, providing nurture and direction as needed. 

While all homes are broken to some degree by sin, some struggle with unique challenges. Bring your healing especially into those homes, so that even when families are dysfunctional, your grace might abound and bring blessing. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For those Serving in our Government

Mighty Lord,
Grant wisdom to all who serve in all areas of our government. As they conduct their daily business, surround them with an abundance of wise counsel. In striving to carry out the will of those they represent, they are often tasked with the challenge of satisfying those who hold opposing wishes. Where compromise is possible and prudent, lead them to seek it. Guard them from personal agendas or outside interests which seek to influence their decision making. Help them to manage their time well, being protective of their marriage and family needs. Protect their reputations from slander, gossip, and mudslinging, and keep them from being responsible for it. Bless them in their faithful service, and make them a blessing to those they represent.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Trust you in the Trials

Faithful Lord,
Your promise is so clear and so often repeated in the Bible that there is no question: you will never abandon me. No earthly friend or companion will ever come close to caring about me as much as you do. No one else will ever have my best interests in mind at all times the way that you do. 

But no sooner does some hardship or hurt strike in my life and the doubts start seeping in. The enemy presses hard to prompt me to see any level of suffering or inconvenience, whether slight or significant, as proof that you have ditched me and stopped having my back. His relentless efforts too often bear fruit and I buy the lies he sells me.

In your gracious mercy, forgive me. When such doubts arise, equip me to redirect my thoughts away from the lies and back to the truths of your Word, where my fears are put to rest and I am reassured by your promises. Allow me to trace the steps of trial and testing of so many believers in the Bible you have carried through again and again, always keeping your promises, and calm my troubled heart through their experiences as I marvel at the proof of your promises playing out.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Protection

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the countless ways you protect me each and every day. You vigilantly watch over me all day long, constantly guarding and protecting me from dangers and threats of which I am not even aware. You protect me not just from physical harm, but spiritual harm as well, using your angels as bodyguards to keep the evil one in check.

Guide me to make wise decisions today and always, so that I don’t willingly or intentionally put myself in harm’s way. However, even when I do, protect me from my own foolishness and spare me from the consequences of putting myself at risk. Use me also to keep a watchful eye on others, so that I am alert and ready to do whatever is in my power to keep them safe, too. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Who Serve in Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. This morning I want to thank you for everyone involved in making worship happen. Thank you for faithful pastors who lead worship well and diligently prepare their sermons each week as they bring law and gospel to their hearers. Thank you for those with musical gifts, instrumentalists and vocalists, who not only have those gifts, but edify others with them as they serve in worship. Thank you for ushers and volunteers who see that so many of the details of the service are carried out and everything is done in a fitting an orderly way. For all others, those who provide rides for others, refreshment servers, those tidying up after worship, those following up with Sunday morning visitors, and so many more, thank you. You have blessed your church with so many gifted people, and it is inspiring and encouraging to be able to be a part of it as you serve us with your Word and Sacrament in worship.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As I look at the ministry of Jesus, kindness and compassion ooze from his lips and his life. In his kindness, he not only met the physical needs of others, feeding the hungry and healing the sick, but he also spoke the words of life to all who would listen.

When I look at my own life, I see how sorely lacking genuine kindness is. With sharp words I tear down and belittle, rather than kindly building up and encouraging. I see other people and their needs as inconveniences rather than opportunities to put kindness into practice. Even when I am kind to others, it is too often either begrudgingly or with self-serving motivations. Instead of a heart that is naturally careless, give me a heart of kindness, and make its fruit in my life a blessing to others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


Gratitude for Technology

Dear Lord,
When I pause to consider all the good gifts you give me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Not only do you provide for my every spiritual need, but you give me all that I need physically, too – and so much more than just the necessities. Your generosity is so abundant!

Today I want to thank you for the blessing of technology, which affects my life in so many ways. My phone connects me to countless people and opportunities and experiences instantly. Gaming and streaming options provide endless entertainment. Hospitals are filled with modern medical equipment that saves and sustains lives. Homes are filled with technology that makes so many things so much easier. Thank you!

I also pray that you keep me vigilant in my use of technology. Guard me from becoming mastered by it or attached to it in unhealthy ways, but like all things, to use it in moderation. Since it can also serve as a gateway to sin, protect my eyes and my heart from experiencing anything that would dishonor you, and send your Spirit to guide me with discernment in my use of technology. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Seek the Wisdom of Others

Glorious God,
All true wisdom comes from you, the source of all that is good and true. May I never tire of seeking out the wisdom you provide in abundance through your Word. There is no greater wisdom!

Yet even in your wisdom, you surround us with those who can bless us with a their gifts of wisdom. I ask you to give me the wisdom to seek out the wise counsel of those you have placed in my life. Help me to know when to seek out wisdom from others, and to pursue the right people for the right advice at the right time. Guard me from arrogantly assuming I ever have all the answers, and keep me from dismissing the prudent guidance of others.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Wait on God’s Timing

Loving Lord,
While I am grateful for your gift of time, I confess that I have much room to grow when it comes to waiting on your timing. The Bible is filled with saints who waited on your timing to deliver them and carry out your promises, but it often feels like I haven’t learned anything from their examples. I grow impatient as I wait for your answers to my prayers. I get frustrated when I don’t see the transformation in my life when by faith I put your Word into practice. I am annoyed by the refusal of others to change over time. 

Forgive my impatience. Grant me a willing spirit to wait on your timing and to trust that you act with perfect precision – never too early and never too late, but always right on time. Use my seasons of waiting to keep working on me, so that when you do act, I am prepared and ready to move forward confidently in faith. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.