Equipped to Escape

(Ephesians 6:10-18)

I don’t know how many of them there are these days, but there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of different types of talent shows available for viewing. Whether you’re a fan who doesn’t miss a new episode or you just catch a clip here or there online, it’s obvious that people can do some pretty spectacular things. Singing, dancing, magic, are some of the more frequent acts, and then there are the bizarre performances that make you cringe and wonder if what you just witnessed was a talent or… something else. Regardless of the specific talent on display, when we watch others excel at something or do it very well, we are genuinely impressed. In addition to being impressed, though, there is often another thought which comes to mind: “I could never do that.” It’s a natural reaction when we see a professional or an expert in their craft – we’re wowed by them while also reminding ourselves how impossible it would be for us to do what they did.

How many times have you felt that way throughout this series? As we have explored unhealthy escapes and the damage they can bring about, have you experienced the frustration of knowing that you need to stop turning to that unhealthy escape, but feeling a little like “I could never do that”? An unhealthy relationship with alcohol or any type of illegal or prescription drug. An insatiable desire to shop or buy things. Using any form of sex outside of marriage as a release or an escape. Craving status or success. Did you find yourself listening to those sermons, knowing they were convicting you, but then at the same time, dismissing the warning because “I could never do that”? Sounds nice to talk about putting these unhealthy escapes behind us and turning to Jesus instead for real rest, but honestly, if we haven’t been able to change anything up to this point, why should we expect anything different in the future? 

Today, as this series comes to a close, Paul has an answer for you. But before we get to his answer, let’s take a moment to address what can be a boulder-sized barrier in the way before we even get to the verses from Ephesians this morning: that “I can’t” that you tell yourself. I don’t remember where we heard it, but one of the things Gena and I have tried to emphasize with our kids is the word “yet.” When we tack that word onto the end of the phrase “I can’t…‘yet,’” it shifts the way we think. Of course a kid doesn’t ride a bike on the first try. She doesn’t pick up an instrument and play it brilliantly the first time. So when a child says, “I can’t,” we tried to attach the word “yet” to the end of the phrase. 

I’m not sure why we don’t do the same thing as adults. We’re ridiculously hard on ourselves and the way we speak to ourselves stacks the deck against us so often right away. If any of these escapes we’ve touched on throughout this series have been “go-to’s” for you for years, did you really think you’d be able to put a stop to it after hearing one sermon? That’s not only unrealistic – it’s unfair. It’s unfair because it overlooks who you are: a sinner. You know what that makes you? It makes you really good at sinning. 

Far from being an attempt to make light of sin, its consequences, or how seriously God takes it, this acknowledgment is instead real. It’s who we are, and it means that the kinds of patterns and habits that we’ve allowed sin to carve out in our lives are not easily or quickly eliminated. Sin is never interested in merely stopping by for a visit; it wants to take up residence wherever and whenever it is permitted. So no, you may not be able to imagine yourself giving up this escape or that one; you may not be able to envision ever getting out of that rut. Just remember how to change up the end of that statement: “I can’t… yet.”

Here’s also another reality, and it’s one that is much more powerful than the reality that we’re sinners. We aren’t just sinners, thank God, and that isn’t even how God views us. God chooses to see in us what he’s made of us: saints. Forgiven. Washed. Holy. Sanctified. Remember, God doesn’t love you because you’re lovable. He loves you because he is love and that’s what he does – he loves. So again, as we have touched on already in this series, when you feel like it will be impossible for you to ever break away from an unhealthy escape, you’re right – it will be impossible for you. But not impossible for God. 

So stop making this about what you can’t do and start paying attention to Paul’s direction in the first verse of our Ephesians reading this morning: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (v.10). Paul doesn’t waste our time by directing us to look inside ourselves for strength or point us to the power of self-help. No, instead he points us to real strength – the Lord’s. When we look to him we see a power that no weight-lifter, no monster truck, no heavy-duty machinery, indeed no power in all of the galaxies that could ever come close to matching! And it is with his power that we are equipped!

Look at what his power has equipped us with so that our “I can’t” thinking can begin to be replaced with “He can.” How do we replace those thoughts? Look at how Paul says you are dressed for battle! You are not helpless! Look at each piece of equipment you’ve received: “the belt of truth,” “the breastplate of righteousness,” “feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace,” “the shield of faith,” “the helmet of salvation,” and “the sword of the Spirit.” (vs.14-17). Now, notice the real strength of these pieces of armor is not at all the armor itself, but rather the spiritual realities Paul attaches to each of them: truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Holy Spirit himself, who equips us with these gifts through the very Word of God!

You have what you need to stand firm against any attack from any enemy – including the spiritual forces of evil that daily wage war on your soul. See how each piece of armor is perfectly suited to defend. Against the accuser’s lies and deception and against the world’s twisted ideas of truth, we have the unwavering truth from God himself that will hold up against every attack. Against the evil one’s efforts at driving us to despair because of our lack of perfection required for heaven, Jesus arms us with his own righteousness. Satan sows seeds of chaos and discord to unsteady us, but the good news of grace and forgiveness keeps us steadfast in peace. Where the devil deals in doubt we have faith to grab hold of what reason or understanding cannot. The enemy tries to convince us the tide of battle has turned in his favor and that we are in danger of losing, but the helmet of salvation assures us otherwise: the battle has already been won and the victory is already ours. So we lack nothing that is needed to stand firm and defend against every attack.

That is encouraging news for us; we are equipped for escape. Spiritually speaking, we can relate well to the old sports adage, “The best offense is a good defense.” You’ve heard that one, right? Probably not, because that’s not the actual quote. But maybe you’ve heard it the other way around, “The best defense is a good offense.” The point is, if you are on the offensive, then you don’t have to focus as much on how to defend the other team. 

But does it have application in the spiritual realm? It should, because according to the picture Paul paints in these verses, not everything the soldier of Christ wears is for defense. We have a sword. A sword is not primarily for defending oneself. A sword is for inflicting damage. A sword is for going on the offensive. Tired of being on the defensive spiritually? Maybe it’s time we got a little more intentional about taking the battle to the enemy. Maybe we need to get more deliberate about going on the offensive.

What weapon do we have to mount an attack? The most effective weapon anyone could ever get his hands on: the Word of God. That weapon is so powerful that it can turn enemies into allies! Paul confidently touted its power when he wrote in Romans, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (1:16). The writer to the Hebrews pointed out how effective a weapon it is: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (4:12).   

How might you, as an individual Christian, your Christian home, or our Christian congregation look if we put that weapon to work not just defensively, but going on the offensive? For you individually, armed with the only peace that provides real rest found in Jesus, what would your mood be like? What would your outlook on life be to daily embrace the joys that you have in Jesus?

What difference would that make in your home? First, for a spouse and/or children to see you wielding that weapon – the Word of God, what kind of impact would that make on them? How might it influence them? How might they end up imitating what they see in you? Could it change the whole dynamic of a divided house into a unified sanctuary of the Holy Spirit? Could real rest in the home provide that?

What difference would going on the offensive make in our congregation? I envision it would sound a lot like a comment a couple of Sundays ago from a member who had been away from church for a while and was struck by how many different faces there were in church that day. I imagine we would see a lot more of what we’ll see very shortly as we welcome another new member into the church family this morning. I imagine even more joy, smiling, and excitement as we see firsthand that the Word of God does exactly what he promised it would when we become more intentional with it and take it on the offensive. And, just as we’ve focused on for the six Sundays, I believe we’d become known as the place that provides a healthy escape for real rest in Jesus. For six Sundays we’ve focused on recapturing that for ourselves; for the next four, we’ll direct our attention on bringing that real rest to others to others in our new series, Simple Evangelism. Be sure to stick around.

Escape from Escaping

(1 Peter 5:6-11)

Two people are sprinting as fast as they can in very different scenarios. One is in a movie on your television screen, desperately trying to escape through the woods from the bad guy. The other is in the final heat of an Olympic sprint, running for gold. Both are fast. Both are focused. But they finish very differently. The character in the movie stumbles and falls, while the Olympic sprinter stretches across the finish line to claim her medal. Why did one runner fall and the other didn’t (aside from being a very predictable occurrence in a movie.)? Not only was their purpose for running vastly different, but so was their focus. While both focused, they were focused entirely on different THINGS: the movie character was running from something while the sprinter was running to something. 

In a sense, that distinction captures the glaring issue with every escape we’ve looked at over the course of this series: each escape finds us running from something. So just like the predictable stumble in a movie when a character is trying to outrun, to escape from someone else, so when we choose to escape from something, we inevitably end up stumbling and tripping up, too. Maybe for a short time. Maybe for a lifetime. Maybe somewhere in-between. But when we seek out escapes as a means of avoidance, to get away from some trouble, challenge, sin, or something undesirable in our lives, we WILL stumble and fall. That’s because such an approach is focused on what we’re trying to escape from.

Consider the example of a visit to the doctor. A health concern led you to schedule an appointment so you visited the doctor. He informed you he’d be getting in touch with you later in the week after some results come back. Worried about what he found, you choose to ignore his voicemail or email a couple of days later because you don’t want to hear the bad news. But, if instead of running from the problem by trying to avoid it, you heard the messages and went back to the doctor, he’d tell you that what you have is easily treatable with a simple prescription and in a matter of weeks, you’ll be as good as new. How much worse did you make the matter by trying to run from it instead of to the doctor who could help you?

It isn’t about what we’re running from, but who we’re running to. And when we run to the Lord, we have finally found a healthy escape, we will finally find real rest. Throughout this series in our worship we have used the same Verse of the Day each Sunday: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt. 11:28-29). Jesus’ invitation in these verses is not to find rest in running away from the world, but rather in coming to him. So this whole theme of escape has really served to underscore the need not just to try to escape or get away from the stress and strain of life in our world today, but to escape to the one source that can provide the real rest that renews and refreshes – found only in Jesus Christ. 

But we aren’t very good at it, are we? Oh, we’re good at putting up posters or even quoting Bible verses, sure. But we have a little work to do when it comes to applying them. Check that – we have a lot of work to do when it comes to applying them. Let me prove it. What do you visualize when you hear Jesus’ invitation to come to him when you are weary and burdened? Is it just a nice-sounding, comforting verse or… do you actually take him up at his invitation? And if you answer “yes” to that, how do you go about it? What does it mean to you to bring your weary, burdened self to Jesus? Does it mean you allow his promise of peace to lift you up when your anxieties anchor you down? Does it mean you take to heart his guarantee that you are good enough even when the voice in your own head tells you otherwise? Does it mean that his forgiveness frees you from the grip of guilt? If these are foreign concepts to you when entertaining Jesus’ invitation to bring your weary, burdened self to Jesus, then let us seek the guidance of Peter’s words this morning from our Second Reading. 

To get to the point where escaping has less to do with what we’re running from and everything to do with who we’re running to, let’s start with verse 6. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time” (v.6). Isn’t the writer of these verses the ideal candidate to talk to us about humbling ourselves? Peter excelled at humility… not! Think of Peter walking on water… only to start sinking. Think of Peter putting the Lord in his place to stop all the talk of death and dying… only to have Jesus rebuke his satanic sentiments. Think of Peter claiming he’d never bail on Jesus, even if everyone else would… only to deny him three times. If anyone should know from experience how important it is to humble one’s self before God, it would be Peter, who repeatedly learned lesson after lesson of what happens when one doesn’t humble self before God! 

But don’t end up in the ditch on the other side of the road because your idea of humility is to simply avoid thinking too highly of yourself. In other words, let’s also be clear that humility is not the same thing as self-deprecation. In fact, arrogance and self-deprecation both have the same root cause: self. Negative self-talk and holding a low opinion of yourself are no closer to humility than is being egotistical and conceited – both are miles away from humility, because each one is overly focused on self, which is exactly the opposite of humility. So if God is to lift us up in due time, we must first humble ourselves, and if we are to generate true humility, then we need to die to self, to quit clinging to the best or worst version of self and humbly draw our eyes to God’s mighty hand. Then, and only then, when we quit getting stuck on ourselves, we may be ready for the next part.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (v.7). You may have noticed it, but just to make sure, let’s be clear on how Peter did not complete that phrase. He didn’t encourage us to cast all our anxiety on gaming/music/scrolling/Netflix/books/exercise/etc., but rather to cast our anxiety on him – the Lord God. Do you see that as precisely what we’re doing when we turn to any of those things as an escape? We’re changing Peter’s words and hoping our actions will serve as an acceptable substitute. We’re re-writing Scripture so that it reads, “Cast all your anxiety on sports. Cast all your anxiety on gaming. Cast all your anxiety on scrolling. Cast all your anxiety on music. Cast all your anxiety on Netflix.” Why? Why would we think any of those or anything else would serve as sufficient substitutes for how the Holy Spirit had Peter record it: “Cast all your anxiety on HIM…”? It isn’t as if those other escapes are wrong or sinful, but when they become our go-to for escape, then we’re merely running away from something and not to the proper source: God. 

As if we need a little more incentive, Peter reminds us what the Lord offers that those others cannot: “because he cares for you.” None of those other escapes care for you. Netflix doesn’t care for you. Gaming doesn’t care for you. Music doesn’t care for you. Sports don’t care for you. There is One who positively, perfectly, permanently, cares for you, and he is the Lord your God. The proof? No matter how many times you have turned to other escapes instead of turning to him, he still welcomes you back. And he always will.

The scars that you see on his hands as he opens them and extends his inviting arms to welcome you are the proof. The very body and blood with which he feeds you in the sacrament are the proof that he cares for you. The Word of God that endures and still stands even as it feels like our entire world at times is crumbling apart all around is – that Word is proof that he cares for you. The brother or sister in Christ who greets you, who checks in on you, who offers to meet your needs, who comforts you, who prays for you, who worships with you – these are all proof that he cares for you. So let us run – do not step slowly – but sprint to him to not lay down just a small little concern or two at his feet, as if that is all he could possibly handle from us! No, cast it, throw it, hurl it, pile it all – ALL your anxiety on him. He can handle it. Run to him, not just from your worries. 

Doing so also then allows us to take a different view of suffering, which Peter addresses in our closing verses. Living in a culture that increasingly turns away from God has left a vacuum, and one of its byproducts is our inability to handle suffering. Helicopter and lawnmower parents try to protect their kids from it at all costs, rather than train them to cope with it in a healthy way. Teenagers and young adults have such thin skin that virtually anything that isn’t a word of praise is deemed offensive of bullying. Adults resort to cancel culture to squash anything that might cause physical or emotional suffering or simply seek to escape it through unhealthy coping mechanisms or self-medication. Our society cannot handle suffering. Yet Peter took what today could only be perceived as a radical view of suffering, and he encourages us to do the same. He reminds us, “…you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast” (v.9-10).

When we are free from being enslaved by escape and finally run to the Lord, we then see how even suffering serves us. The one running from something sees hardship or obstacles as reason enough to give up, to drop down and let the bad guy catch up. He has lost hope. But the one running to something, to the finish line, to the victory, welcomes the suffering and the obstacles as something to be overcome, something to make the ending that much sweeter. And friends, we have God’s Word that the end will be so much sweeter. So do not give up. Do not call it quits. Instead, escape to the One who cares for you, and he will not let you down.

Escape from Sexual Immorality

(2 Samuel 11:1-15, 26-27)

What’s your view of sex? How does hearing that word make you feel? What does it make you think of? Does a conversation about this topic fill you with dread, cause you to start to sweat, make you squirm as if you wish you could slip out of your own skin right now and escape? Do you feel a little bit of disgust or even offense that such a “taboo” topic would be discussed in a sermon or in church at all?  

What’s your view of sex? Do you view it like a beautifully wrapped present (example)? The corners are perfectly folded, edges are straight and sharply lined up. The ribbon or bow matches marvelously. The tape is expertly applied, with the precision of a surgeon. The whole thing looks so beautiful. 

Or, do you view it like this wretchedly wrapped gift (example)? Does it appear quite unappealing? The wrapping job itself looks like it was done by someone with ten thumbs and eyes closed? Parts of the paper are torn. There are unsightly stains on it. It looks like it has been mishandled and neglected and not treated with much care at all. The whole thing looks rather revolting.

Which one better represents the view you have of God’s gift of sex? Which one better represents the view God wants you to have of this gift? Without a show of hands, I suspect that an awful lot of us view it like the second gift, and sadly, it’s because we have experienced or maybe even continue to experience a number of tragic reasons why. Sexual abuse. Addiction. Resentment. Neglect. Guilt. Of course, God never intended any of those to be associated with this gift! But, as perhaps some of the most condemning evidence that we do live in a fallen world that has been demolished by disobedience, most, if not all of us, have at one time or another experienced blight instead of blessing when it comes to this gift.

Understand that these are the realities we’re dealing with that make this particular topic such a challenge. Firstly, it is the degree of hurt – whether we have been on the receiving end of it or if we have been the cause of it – that makes it so difficult to discuss. So we avoid talking about it with anyone else. We dismiss conversations with others about it because we deem it inappropriate. The result is that, when it comes to sex, the world is hollering while Christians remain hush, hush, and God’s gift is hijacked and ruined.

Secondly, the weighty burden of guilt when it comes to sex can be one of the heaviest we bear. Again, whether we have been on the receiving end or the cause of it, sexual guilt can be relentless. So we need constantly to be reminded that sexual sins – like all others – have been washed away 100% by Jesus’ blood. Paul stated it so strongly on the heels of a very firm warning. “Do not be deceived: the sexually immoral… will [not] inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Forgiveness in that section hits us like a bucket of cold water on a scorching day. On the heels of the condemnation sexual sin (along with a whole list of other sins) brings, Paul reminds us that because of Jesus Christ, no such sin – no sin – prohibits us from being at peace with God. Whatever we were, whether victim or culprit, no sexual sin defines us or disqualifies us from heaven. Whatever you were is not who you are. Rather, having been washed, sanctified, and justified, what you are is this: forgiven forever. 

That good news of the gospel and the free and full forgiveness that is ours through it is why we as Christians can talk about this topic. No experience we have ever had or could have will change our status in God’s family. As members of his family, we can be real and honest about the challenges and frustrations that might exist when considering our relationship with God’s gift of sex even in a fallen world. 

Ironically, as vocal as the world is about sex, it gets it all wrong. That’s because rather than being interested in the forgiveness God longs to flood us with, it is more concerned with acceptance. When that happens, the abuse of this gift isn’t regretted, but celebrated, even emphasized as our identity. Remember when we used to recognize celebrities for their movies or musicians for their music? Now we celebrate the latest sexual orientation that is revealed. Those are the headlines that get hits. This celebrity was so brave to come out and reveal one type of sexuality; that musician another. It’s become so frequent, so normal, that soon enough I suspect that it’s going to be a radical thing for a celebrity to come out as heterosexual. Here’s something about which the world doesn’t care, but we do: when we allow sex to become the source of our identity, we disgrace both the gift itself as well as the Giver. The thing is, we do the same – disgrace both the gift and the God who gives it – when in our misuse of it, we allow it to serve as an escape. 

Perhaps what it is about the familiar account of David and Bathsheba which makes that most strikingly clear are the last words at the close of our verses today. “But the thing David had done displeased the Lord” (2 Sam. 11:27). Let me ask you, do those words do little more for you than serve as a closing transition from the end of one account in Scripture to the beginning of the next? Do they serve as a closing statement for this section, or do they do more? Does it make your heart sink, almost as if your heart literally dropped from your chest to your stomach? Does it weigh heavily on you that someone whom God had raised up through the ranks from runt-of-the-litter shepherd boy to God’s chosen King would let down and displease the same God who had graciously placed him in that role?

Let’s shift from Saul’s successor to self and ask it another way: does it trouble us at all to think that what we do displeases the Lord? Does it crush our spirits? Does it at least prick our conscience? Does displeasing the Lord even register as a blip on our spiritual radar? How frequently do you find yourself judging not others, but yourself, on the basis of whether or not your words and actions displease the Lord? It’s rather easy for us to observe others or to sit in judgment of others when we know what they’re doing is displeasing the Lord, but do we apply the same standard to ourselves? Do we frequently – daily? – find ourselves generally guided by a genuine desire to do what pleases the Lord? And, if that desire is there, is it fear-based or faith-based? Do we want to do the right thing only because of a moral sense of right and wrong that knows better, or do we want to do the right thing and please the Lord because our love for and devotion to him drives that desire?

Here’s another way to think about it: if displeasing the Lord doesn’t at all trouble us, then that should be troubling. If we don’t even think about or care that our sinful misuse of his gift of sex displeases God, then we stand on dangerous ground. We are in a place that runs the risk of forfeiting the grace in which we stand and exchanging it for a license to treat sex not as the gift God intended, but as a right to be used as we insist. Used in that way, what was intended as a gift ends up ushering in guilt. 

Suppose someone gives a gun as a gift to an avid hunter or a gun collector. That gun can certainly be utilized while hunting. It can be enjoyed at the shooting range. It can be a very thoughtful gift. But how do you suppose the giver of that gift would feel if that gun ended up being used in a school shooting or a murder? Absolutely dreadful. That wasn’t the intent behind the gift. It wasn’t supposed to be used for anything sinister or painful; it was intended to bring happiness and joy, to be the source of smiles, not sadness. 

Can you imagine God feeling that way to see his precious gift, intended to bring happiness and joy to husbands and wives, being instead the source of so much pain and sorrow and hurt? When we treat this gift as an escape, that is inevitably what will happen. Damage instead of delight. Enslavement instead of enjoyment. Service to self instead of service to spouse. And the Giver of the gift is left reeling by how many different ways sin can stain his good and perfect gift. Sadly, there are countless ways to have an unhealthy relationship with the gift of sex when it ends up being treated as an escape (rape/abuse/pornography/homosexuality/pedophilia/sex trafficking/prostitution/etc.), that’s a whole lot of sin that’s possible! And each and every case ought to either convict us or concern us. When we see any of this in the world, we ought to be deeply concerned that such sin makes a mockery of one of God’s precious gifts. When we see any of this in our own lives, we ought to be deeply convicted that we’re contributing to the problem by both sinning against God and further destroying his reputation in this world. When we see this in our lives, then we must apply the same words to ourselves that the Bible did to David: “the thing we have done displeased the Lord.”

Let us go back then – not to David, but to David’s Son, Jesus Christ. While the thing David had done displeased the Lord, David’s Son achieved what David could not. God the Father verbalized it both at Jesus’ baptism and again at his Transfiguration. On each occasion, the Father said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Mt. 3:17; 17:5). Jesus Christ accomplished what David could not: he perfectly pleased the Father – which he did not for himself, but for us. For you and for me. See how Jesus changes everything in regard to our relationship with God’s gift of sex! He lived to please the purity expected by God, and he died to pay the price for all of our acts that displeased God. We are covered. We are clean. We are free to see and embrace the positives of this wonderful gift from God – to enjoy the pleasure and deep connection it brings within marriage and to appreciate the blessing of children it provides. 

That same freedom allows us to evaluate our view of this gift on a recurring basis. We do that by continuing to ask ourselves the same four questions regarding our relationship with sex. #1 – Can I go without it? #2 – Is this a topic I can discuss with a fellow Christian? #3 – Am I avoiding a long-term solution in favor of short-term satisfaction? #4 – Am I looking to creation for something that can only be provided by the Creator? Being willing to ask ourselves these four questions, coupled with the freedom we have in Christ, will help ensure that this wonderful blessing from God is not an empty escape by which we’re enslaved, but a treasured gift to be enjoyed.

Escape from Consumerism

(1 Timothy 6:6-12, 17-19)

How much did you spend last month? How about last week? Yesterday? Some of us could probably provide an exact number, right down to the penny. Others have a pretty good general idea. Still others are clueless. This morning’s escape certainly includes managing money and spending, but it’s not limited to just that. If we’re going to see the value of this morning’s focus as we look at 1 Timothy, we have to be clear on what the real issue is. If we don’t pinpoint that, any one of us might end up concluding today’s message addresses an escape that really isn’t much of a problem for me. So as we continue looking at escapes to which turn for the real rest that only Jesus can provide, we want to be as clear as possible. Last week’s escape, chemical dependency, was rather straightforward. We talked about our relationship with drugs and alcohol and dug more into that topic in our small group discussion later in the week.

But how do we nail down today’s escape, which we’ve labeled as “consumerism?” Are we talking about our penchant for purchasing, our desire to shop and spend money? Or is this a greed issue that drives us to pursue more money and wealth? Or, do we need to take about an unhealthy obsession like hoarding and holding on to stuff unnecessarily? If we narrowed today’s topic down to any one of those categories or a number of others, then many of us would tune out, concluding that “I don’t care about getting rich,” or “I don’t even like shopping.” 

So let’s summarize today’s theme and Paul’s words to Timothy in this way: our relationship with stuff.  Every one of us has a relationship with stuff – the stuff we are inclined to throw out as being worthless, the stuff we hold on to that we can’t let go of, or the stuff we seek out when shopping – but we all have a relationship with stuff. And today we want to guard against becoming possessed by our possessions, against treating stuff as an escape, or looking to it for something it can never provide. 

An indifferent or disinterested attitude toward the potentially destructive grip stuff can have on us simply ignores numerous warnings from Scripture. There’s a reason Jesus talked about money and possessions as much as he did. There’s a reason Paul is talking about money in a very candid manner with young pastor Timothy in the verses from 1 Timothy. And there’s a reason we need to talk about it today, too. Because we need to be reminded that the real problem with stuff isn’t actually the stuff at all: it’s rather how easily our hearts gravitate toward it. It’s how easily and subtly we put Jesus’ words from the Gospel to the test, as if we’re going to prove him wrong and show him that we actually can serve both God and money, that we can have it both ways (cf. Mt. 6:24). But no one has ever proved God wrong in that department, and you surely won’t be the first. So rather than pursuing that fruitless task, let us instead deal with the real problem and address our hearts. 

Make no mistake, our relationship with stuff is an issue of the heart, a spiritual issue. Admittedly, however, we may struggle to see it as such. Why? Because of the way that stuff can make us feel, because of the rush we get when we purchase something. One author who’s consulted with Fortune 100 companies on the shopping habits of consumers contends that people don’t buy something because it’s necessary or even useful, but because of how it makes them feel. Some estimates suggest a 50% increase in online shopping during the pandemic. While certainly a good amount of that online shopping was because of limitations and restrictions to in-store shopping, there’s more to it. When so much of our lives were out of our control – online shopping provided a means by which we could still maintain some control. And it doesn’t matter who you are – male, female, young, or old – we all have different shopping patterns and have all experienced the same dopamine rush of “adding to cart” and “proceed[ing] to checkout” online or handing the cashier our CC or debit card after everything is rung up at the store. So the physical dopamine rush we experience when spending has a way of concealing whether or not a spiritual issue is the real concern. And the relationship we can have in general with certain material things – whether those items evoke fond memories of people or experiences – can cloud what can sometimes be an unhealthy attachment to things. 

There is another feeling that drives us when it comes to clinging on to too much stuff or not buying enough stuff: a sense of loss. Our perception of stuff is that if we let go of it, then we experience loss. And, if we don’t buy something or fail to purchase it in time, we experience that same sense of loss by missing out.

That fear of loss is what makes Pauls’ words stand out. Do you catch the irony in Paul’s words in verse 6? “But godliness with contentment is great gain” (v.6). When it comes to stuff, particularly when we shop, we fear we’re losing out if we don’t get a great deal or get the newest, the latest, the greatest. When it comes to saving things, we fear we’ll lose something by pitching it or donating it or giving it away. But Paul says there is a way to experience not loss, but great gain without buying a thing! He calls godliness combined with contentment “gain.” How does one get more or gain something without spending a penny? What does that look like? We have to start somewhere, and often this first step can be the most difficult.

If you’ve ever taken a CPR class or been instructed in basic care, you know that when a person is bleeding, whether it’s a scrape, a laceration, or puncture wound, or some other injury that causes bleeding, the first step is always the same: stop the bleeding. But when it comes to overcoming consumerism as an unhealthy escape, long-term success can be a struggle because we never bother to stop the bleeding. We may establish some new habits – using a budget, actually planning our offerings, or looking for ways to be more generous – but we do these things while at the same time continuing to spend and sinking ourselves more deeply into debt. That’s like slicing your finger while cutting up something in the kitchen and deciding that going for a run will help. Yes, going on a run is good exercise, but it’s not going to do anything for your finger! So establishing good habits without stopping the shopping – without stopping the bleeding – won’t result in the great gain of godliness with contentment. And it isn’t just shopping; if I can’t sort through the possessions I’ve accumulated over time and let go of them bit by bit, I haven’t stopped the bleeding.

How do we decide how if this is a problem for us, or how challenging it may be for us to stop the bleeding and stop purchasing everything in sight? How do we determine if it’s really a spiritual problem that I have in hanging on to too much? We figure out what is behind these desires. What is driving them? To provide us with some more internal insight, let’s revisit the four questions posed last Sunday, the questions we want to keep coming back to as we seek to rein in our unhealthy escapes. #1 – Can I go without it? #2 – Is this a topic I can discuss with a fellow Christian? #3 – Am I avoiding a long-term solution in favor of short-term satisfaction? #4 – Am I looking to creation for something that can only be provided by the Creator? These questions help us expose if we have an unhealthy relationship with stuff.

We can also take the “if only” test. How would you complete this statement? “If only I had ___________, then I would be happy.” Now, whatever you’d fill that blank in with, I want you to imagine having it. Or, simply look back to the last time you did acquire that “if only” object. From that point on, consciously track how long it took or takes until the next “if only” pops up in your head. Because that’s the thing: another “if only” will always pop up. “If only” is a lie. “If only” is phony. Don’t fall for the phony “if only” when it comes to thinking stuff will ever satisfy!

Now then, once we stop the bleeding, whether that means cutting up our credit cards, disabling Amazon from all of our electronic devices, or simply sorting through things we’ve been hanging on to for too long, then we seek to replace that unhealthy escape with a healthy one. Paul provides us with a healthy escape in verse 12: “Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” Doesn’t it feel pretty foolish when you find yourself looking for your sunglasses, only to have someone point out they’re on your head, or to frantically looking everywhere for your car keys – the ones in either your hand, your pocket, or your purse? It feels downright foolish to be desperately searching for something that you already have! 

So it is with eternal life. Why search, spend, shop for stuff that will never ever add up in worth to what you already have in Jesus: eternal life? Take hold of it. Embrace what is yours. Find real rest in what you already have, not in the pursuit of more stuff. How often over the course of a month, a week, or even a day, do you stop to ponder the reality of the gift of eternal life that right belongs to you in Christ? How often are you washed over with the always-refreshing newness of knowing your salvation is secure? There’s no sale you have to seek out, no great deal to stumble upon, no financing needed – not a penny from you; just the faith to receive what God offers free of charge. Put your wallets away. Keep your purses at home. Your life has already been purchased, your forgiveness paid for, and your eternity earned for you by Jesus – the same Jesus who has washed away your every greedy desire to find in consumerism what can only be found in Christ: true contentment. Take hold of the eternal rest that is yours right this very moment, and begin to experience what it feels like to have contentment wash over you.

Paul restates this healthy escape in another way in verse 17: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” Put your hope in God. Wealth comes and goes, as does the enjoyment of it, but hope that is placed in God never disappoints. 

And we show that our hope is in him as we seek to live out his guidance in verse 11: “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness” (v.11). Do you notice something about these pursuits? They cannot be bought. They cannot be purchased. But they can be pursued. And doing so is great gain, for the more of these we have, the more contentment becomes a natural byproduct of these qualities. And the more content we become, the less we need to turn to stuff as an escape; for contentment leads us to realize that we already have in Jesus what no possession or purchase can ever provide: real rest.

Escape from Chemical Dependency

(Proverbs 23:29-35)

There is no vaccination that can protect you from tough times. We are not, nor will we ever be, immune to stress. We may have different triggers that set us off, different topics that test us, but trouble trails us from the day of our birth until our last day on earth. Our series for the next several weeks will challenge us to evaluate how we cope with trouble, how we handle hardship, where we are inclined to turn to help us deal with it. Where do we go when feel compelled to escape? Where do we turn when we are tired and need rest?

There are many healthy ways to cope or escape. Socializing with friends. Working out at the gym. Volunteering in the community. But the past 18 months have contributed to the problem by limiting the number of healthy ways we have countered rising stress levels. Socializing with friends to take our minds off the headlines has been limited. Closed gyms have limited physical activity to release stress naturally. In the process of not having our normal outlets to beat stress and decompress, many have turned to alternatives to cope. 

But, rather than finding a healthy alternative by which to cope, some are much worse off now than they were before. That’s because unhealthy escape is a double whammy – not only does it NOT deal with or address the underlying problem; it actually ends up adding another problem to the mix. Imagine if you saw a drowning person struggling to keep their head above the water. If you could, you’d throw them a life preserver to cling to and rescue them. But turning to an unhealthy escape is like tossing a drowning person a rope with a cement block tied to it. Not only will it do nothing to help them; it will actually do more harm than good. It made a bad situation much worse! So it is when we turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms for escape or for rest that can truly only be found in one place: Jesus.

Let’s talk for a moment about how not to approach this series. Let me discourage you from ignoring it because you don’t think any of it will apply to you. Being too quick to jump to that conclusion may itself be a warning sign that a particular coping mechanism is a blindspot for you that you don’t even see. Also, this series is not being offered to puff up your pride because you may not have a particular weakness that someone else does. Nor is this series intended to equip you to become better at judging others, whether inside or outside the church. Instead, listen for two. Listen for yourself, being open to the possibility that you may have some unhealthy escapes in your life right now that need attention. But also listen for others who definitely do. Listen so that you better understand the struggles others are facing, and so that you are better equipped not to judge, but to jump in and help however you can.

To serve as a bit of a self-assessment throughout this series, here are four questions we’ll keep revisiting to guide us in possibly exposing some areas of concern we might want to address. 

#1 – Can I go without it? This is a better question to ask than just asking yourself if your use of something is excessive. This is because quantity and amounts are subjective and every one of us is proficient at justifying just about any amount for any reason. But the real question should be can I do without it? Can I go without? 

#2 – Is this a topic I can comfortably discuss with a fellow Christian? Am I able to share my struggle? If not, what does that say about the gravity of the situation? If it is something I am comfortable discussing, that may be the best evidence that this isn’t a problem area, or if it is, that you’re already in the process of seeking additional help to work through it. But if you can’t comfortably discuss it with a fellow Christian, why not? Is your inability to do so an indicator that you’re hiding a problem? 

#3 – Am I avoiding a long-term solution in favor of short-term satisfaction? Would you stick with the same mechanic if you had to keep taking your car back to him after every time he worked on your car? If he was doing a good job of fixing the problem, you wouldn’t need to keep going back to him, right? So if whatever you turn to for escape is actually helping you overcome a problem, should you need to return to it more frequently or less? If I keep returning to it because the same problem persists, how effective is it in the long term? Have you become so attached to its short-term satisfaction that it has led you to stop caring about a long-term solution?

#4 – Am I looking to creation for something that can only be provided by the Creator? It might be a person. It might be a substance. It might be a place or an experience. Whatever it is, if I am placing on it the responsibility or the expectation of freeing me from my burdens and providing me with lasting fulfillment and satisfaction, I will be disappointed. The sooner we understand that about anything – about everything – the sooner we’re ready to look to Jesus for what only he can provide: real rest. We’ll revisit these four questions again this morning as we consider our first escape: chemical dependency. 

To anyone who has ever had too much to drink, whether intentionally or not, the imagery provided in the verses from Proverbs this morning is rather obvious. The author is clearly describing what it’s like to be intoxicated, to be drunk. Does it surprise you to find such an accurate description in the Bible – to find such vivid imagery of a sin? It kind of catches one off guard, doesn’t it? We’re typically a little more comfortable simply naming the sin and forbidding it than we are going into detail about what it’s like. It’s one thing to read through an account in the Bible in which a sin takes place, and another to poetically paint the sin in such detail!

Moreover, the path by which we arrived at this candid description was itself a bit of an unexpected turn, wasn’t it? We’re drawn in by the first several questions and are quick to mentally shoot our hands up in the air: “I have woe. I have sorrow. I have strife. I have complaints.” We are sucked in by the completely relatable issues being raised, so that wherever the author is going, we’re listening. 

Then the road begins to turn slightly: “Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?” (v.29b). “OK, I guess… are we talking about someone being beaten up now? Not getting enough sleep because of the degree of suffering? I’m still paying attention, but now I’m a little confused. Go on.”

“Those who linger over wine, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine” (v.30). And now we get it. The point being drawn out is that abusing alcohol brings about all of those things for which I had my hand up. It is the source of those woes, sorrows, strifes, complaints, and yes, the needless bruises and bloodshot eyes. The irony, of course, is that what wouldn’t shock us would be for someone experiencing woes, sorrows, strifes, or complaints to turn to a drink or two… or three or more as an escape. But the proverb isn’t condoning cocktails as a means of coping, but instead concludes that they are the cause of woe, sorrow, strife, or complaints. In other words, turning to alcohol as an escape from problems will itself only foment problems. What we turn to as a solution only compounds the problem. 

We could at this point highlight all the destructive consequences that can result from chemical dependence, whether by drink or by drug. You already know how lives can so easily be ruined by such things. We could point to all those bad things and wrap up this message – and each successive message in this series – with a similar theme of “See – don’t do these bad things because they’ll mess up your life.” For some that would be enough. 

But God is never as interested in your actions as he is in your attitude. And that’s the underlying issue. When we talk about chemical dependency and turning to drugs or drinking for escape, for rest, the heart is the real issue. So rather than wasting your time with that little back and forth dialogue in your head that goes something like this: “I don’t have a problem. I just like to relax once in a while with a drink or two. Just a little something to take the edge off of a stressful day. Just a little me time. I’m no alcoholic,” let’s evaluate our relationship with drinking or prescription/recreational/illegal drugs as a heart issue.

Let’s steer clear of extremes, pretending that the solution is found in simply prohibiting such things because of the damage they could cause. They aren’t inherently sinful (unless we’re talking about taking illegal substances, or if we’re underage, or if we’re disobeying parental rules) and can be enjoyed in moderation. So rather than resorting to the easy method of making everything black and white and pretending more rules will accomplish what only the gospel already has, let’s evaluate the relationship we have with such substances. After all, a person can still have an unhealthy relationship with certain substances without being an addict or alcoholic. How do we determine that? We look at our hearts. 

Since I can’t see your heart and you can’t see mine, we have to personally wrestle with the questions I raised earlier to help provide us with an honest assessment of where we’re at.#1 – Ask if you can go without it. #2 – Is this a topic I can comfortably discuss with a fellow Christian? #3 – Am I avoiding a long-term solution in favor of short-term satisfaction? #4 – Am I looking to creation for something that can only be provided by the Creator? 

Now all these questions can do is make real for us the possibility of a problem. What they don’t do, however, is address the solution. We often presume that a sterner preaching of the law is the solution to solving chemical dependency. It’s not. A better understanding of the gospel is. I’m free. I have in Christ what no chemical can cure or solve. Chemicals may temporarily numb my pain, but Jesus nullified my sin. I have a Savior who promised a permanent long-term solution that also offers short-term satisfaction.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24). Paul didn’t say, “Hey Christian, you need to or should crucify your flesh,” but that your flesh has already been crucified by virtue of Jesus’ crucifixion. Just as surely as he was nailed to the cross, so were your sins, and your sinful passions and desires along with them. There’s nothing for you to do other than to realize who you already are in Christ. And that isn’t an addict. It isn’t an alcoholic. It is a forgiven child of God. 

That current status is not something you have to achieve. Your flesh has already been crucified with Christ, which means you have real power to put off that old passion and desire. If it’s been nailed to the cross, then it doesn’t own you or control you. You are free to say no, free to embrace your forgiveness, free to stop falling for the lies of chemical escape that always elude you. You have in Jesus real rest, real escape from real problems. And more of Christ, not chemicals, will fill you with real rest. So heed Paul’s advice to the Ephesians: “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians. 5:18). There is no vaccination that can protect you from tough times. But there is salvation that can provide rest from them. Real rest. Escape that is eternal. Literally!