To Honor and Respect Women

Wonderful Creator,
In your wisdom you created men and women, uniquely designed not only physically, but in how we think and feel as well. Thank you for the joy of discovering and delighting in those differences! 

While we have different roles that compliment each other beautifully, our fallen world too easily views those differences in terms of inferiority and superiority. I confess that I am guilty falling into this trap, too. Forgive me and bless me with the sacrificial, servant heart of Jesus, so that I look to women and to serve them, rather than to be served by them. Let my attitude toward women be filled with respect and admiration for all they do. Lead me to honor them with my words and actions. Use me to protect and care for them whenever possible. Help me always to hold them in high regard. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For God-Pleasing Thoughts

Holy Spirit,
One of the greatest blessings unique to mankind is our capacity for thought. I am able to reflect on events from my past and hope for future plans, to get lost in my imagination or ponder my present realities. These can be wonderful things. But, they can also be distractions, or worse, lead to dark places that end up producing bad fruit in my life. Without the new man raised up in me through faith in Jesus, my thoughts would so easily be controlled by the evil one. 

But in Christ I am empowered to direct my thoughts toward what is good and God-pleasing. Therefore, guard my heart and guide my thoughts. Keep what is impure, hateful, violent, and greedy far from me. Allow my thoughts to be Spirit-guided so they are in alignment with your will. Let your Scriptures permeate my thinking so that all words and actions that flow from my thoughts clearly reflect that I am walking in your light.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Make a New Connection

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Worship is the highlight of the morning, but Sundays are also the one opportunity of the week that brings together the most members of my church family. While I value some of those relationships more than others and we may share a deeper bond, because everyone in the body of Christ matters to you, they also matter to me. 

Move me to step outside of my comfort zone this morning and introduce myself to someone new. Whether it’s a long-time member or a guest, give me the courage to make a new connection. Use me as a conduit to provide whatever might be needed to that individual. In turn, let me be open to any blessings you may be looking to grant me through them. Foster more of these kinds of connections among us, as they help build up and strengthen the body of Christ, while also glorifying you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Care for Your Gifts of Body and Life

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. You have given us the precious gift of life, as well as marvelous bodies to carry out your will and your work in this world. While your grace and mercy compel us to protect your gift of life and to care for it, so often my own selfishness puts my body and life and the bodies and lives of others at risk. I neglect the care of my own body, disregarding what I eat, and making choices that put my health at risk. My body is a temple, and I dishonor you when I fail to properly care for it. And, while I may never have taken anyone’s life physically, since you view hatred toward others on the same plane as murder itself, I am guilty. 

You, on the other hand, valued life so much that you gave up the life of your only Son for the lives of all others. Having been spiritually raised up from the dead to this new life, now give me that same appreciation for life and the opportunities you give me to care for and to protect my own life and the lives of others. Help me to see and to embrace all the ways I can honor and serve you and others with my body and life.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Stay Focused

Dear Father,
There are so many distractions in this world that make it more challenging than ever just to stay focused. Some of these distractions are my own fault, while others are the product of living in such a distracted world. So much around me is vying for my attention, and too often I succumb and give in. It can be frustrating when I can’t accomplish the task at hand because I struggle to stay focused. 

Guard me from the weakness of permitting distractions as a means of procrastination. Help me identify possible distractions and give me the discipline to remove them whenever I need to focus. Where helpful, give me the wisdom to break down bigger tasks into smaller steps so that my need to focus is more manageable. Bless my progress by allowing me to see and to celebrate the results achieved through my focused efforts.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Appreciate Discipline

Gracious Father,
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on it produces a harvest of righteousness (cf. He. 12:11). When I am in need of correction or rebuke, thank you for placing others in my life who are willing to provide it. As hard as it might be to receive, help me accept it with open ears and a humble spirit. Provide me with the insight and awareness to see the good that you intend to come through it. 

When your discipline involves times of trial or testing, give me the patience to bear up under it and the perseverance to endure. When I struggle to see the potential blessings during these seasons of life, strengthen my grip on your promise to produce righteousness on the other side of such discipline. Remind me that just as a caring father disciplines his children, so do you, my loving Father, discipline me, your son. Thank you!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Consider the Influence of Others

Dear God,
Grant me wisdom in choosing the types of people I want to spend time with regularly. As I consider the type of man I want to be, help me identify others who share the attributes and qualities I wish to emulate. Since growing in my faith is an ongoing desire, being influenced and encouraged by others with that same desire is a priority. I also want to be challenged and pushed to grow and pursue personal development. And, in the same way that I wish to be positively influenced by others, use me as strong role model and positive influence for others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Grow in Christian Living

Gracious Lord,
When it comes to my knowledge of Christianity, while there is always room to grow, I am thankful for being quite knowledgeable about the Bible. However, when it comes to putting it into practice in my daily life, it is a struggle! Send your Holy Spirit to help me live what I know, since Christian teaching and Christian living go hand in hand. Guide my thoughts and actions to reflect the truths of your Word. Where I struggle with a mismatch between the good that I know and want to do with the bad stuff I keep on doing, lead me to repentance and refresh my guilty conscience with forgiveness. Renewed and restored, align my daily walk with your divine Word, so that I reflect your light as brightly as ever in this dark world. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Speak Up for Others

Dear Lord,
Keep me from giving into the temptation to join others when they are badmouthing someone. Help me instead to speak up for those who are not present to defend themselves when their names and reputation are being shot down and slandered. I don’t ever want to be the reason others may think less of someone. Use me to build up even when others tear down. Mark my speech with kind and uplifting words about others. Give me the confidence to discourage others from gossip and slander whenever it arises. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Faith of Those on the Fringe

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Multitudes who belong to you will gather together in your house for worship to be fed the Bread of Life. Sadly, some among them are on the fringe when it comes to their faith. They’ve questioned. They’ve struggled. It may have been some specific incident that caused it or a doctrine or teaching that offended. Whatever it is, Lord, Satan is ready to pounce and deal them the eternal death blow. 

But they belong to you, and since you promise not to snuff out a smoldering wick or break a bruised reed, I boldly ask you to use their time in your house this morning to help keep that promise. Use a timely word heard as the Bible is read or as it is proclaimed in the sermon, a touching phrase from a hymn, or some other relevant application of your Word in their life to provide exactly what they need. Guard and protect them as precious sheep of your flock, and authoritatively dismiss the devil with the reminder that he cannot claim those who are yours. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.