Crosses: Burden or Blessing?

(Mark 8:31-38)

As we continue our series, Rethinking Religion, in this post we give our attention to a topic that can be a deal breaker for people when it comes to Christianity. I’m not talking about how smug Christians can sometimes come across when our concern about being right overshadows our call to be loving. Neither am I referring to the perception that some of our beliefs are downright absurd.

No, what I’m referring to is the observation that in a number of ways, the believer’s life doesn’t really seem to be any different or better off than the non-believer’s. Therefore, if the casual observer notes no discernible difference, no greater appeal or attraction to the Christian and his way of life, then why bother? What’s the big deal?

Moreover, to many, the whole category of Christianity’s perceived requirements – the “have to’s” and the “musts,” arguably make it quite unappealing. Christians must live according to a strict set of rules. They have to go to church. Christians are supposed to give offerings. They are required to read their Bibles. You could add plenty more to the list, I’m sure.

While it isn’t the purpose of this post to address each and every one of these perceived requirements that may not make Christianity all that appealing, for the sake of brevity, I will simply respond that a Christian doesn’t have to do any of the those things mentioned, or anything else, for that matter. There are no requirements in the life of a Christian; he is free to live however he pleases.

But here’s the thing: a Christian wants to do these things. God’s grace and love have changed his heart, bringing it into alignment with God’s plan for how to live. Not perfectly, mind you – but changed hearts nevertheless now see as opportunities what used to be viewed as requirements.

There’s another observation some have of Christianity that doesn’t appear to be noteworthy or especially attractive. It doesn’t seem like the Christian has any special dispensation from God regarding suffering or hardship. So if a believer and a non-believer both have to struggle with traumas and tragedies like cancer and unemployment and divorce and sexual abuse and chronic pain and miscarriages and the list goes on, then why bother? If God is in the Christian corner, shouldn’t he guard and protect believers from such things? If he’s capable of doing so, which Christians claim to believe he is, then why doesn’t he do more to shield them from such things?

It’s this last question surrounding the matter of hardships that we’re giving our attention to in this post. Each of those hardships listed – and so many more – could be considered what we call a “cross.”

Although it often uses the term in a lighthearted manner, the secular world is familiar with that term, “cross.” She says, “This is my cross to bear,” referring to her love of chocolate and the need to show restraint whenever surrounded by copious amounts of chocolate that are available to her. He refers to his “cross” when being stuck living in Southern California with its beaches, sun, and near-perfect weather. 

However, when Christians use the term, there really isn’t anything lighthearted about it. The way Jesus used in in Mark 8 reflects this. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (v.34). 

The cross Jesus refers to in the life of a believer is a burden that tests or tries one’s faith. That burden is unique in the life of the Christian because of her faith in God. So even if a believer and a non-believer experience the exact same hardship, it affects the Christian differently. It is a cross.

For example, everyone would agree that cancer is awful all around, no matter who is experiencing it. But cancer doesn’t cause a non-believer to question or doubt God’s love in the face of suffering, because God isn’t a part of the equation for them. And while no one likes to struggle financially, such struggles don’t cause a non-believer to second-guess if God is really able to provide as he promised, because God isn’t a factor. So what makes a thing a unique cross for a Christian is the impact it has on one’s faith.

To help us properly understand the role of these crosses for the Christian, let me ask you a reflection question. Has anything of great worth to you or anything you truly value ever come without difficulty? Was anything that was really worth it easy for you? Now you might be able to fire off a short list of a few things that could qualify, but generally speaking, for a thing to be truly appreciated and valued, it probably involved hard work and adversity to get it. In fact, that hard work and sacrifice that was required are often why we value it.

Consider the gift of children. Even conceiving itself can be a hardship for many couples, let alone delivering a baby. When it comes to delivering a baby, I don’t know too many moms who would say that it was a piece of cake. The things we appreciate require hard work.

Like getting a college degree. Or getting – and staying – in shape. A great marriage isn’t easy. The list goes on, and we could share stories about the hard work and the struggle we’ve put in to get to enjoy many of the things in life we’d say are worth it.

So then, should it surprise us that following Jesus would be any different? Why should it shock us that he makes such a big ask of us to bear crosses – hardships – for a greater faith and deeper relationship with him? If virtually everything in life that we value or appreciate requires a great deal of sacrifice and struggle, surely we ought to expect the same when it comes to our greatest treasure, Jesus.

But we are surrounded by countless people who prefer the easier path of playing the victim and spending their lives complaining rather than putting in the hard work to achieve or acquire things they value or appreciate.

Sadly, Christians can be numbered among them. The result is that many of the things that should be crosses to bear for Christians are not, because of their refusal to pick those crosses up. There’s no cross when it comes to Sunday morning, because sleeping in and sports win over worship. There’s no cross to bear when it comes to lending my neighbor a hand, because I “don’t have the time” (or more accurately, refuse to make the time). There’s no cross to bear facing any ridicule or ribbing for being a Christian because nobody at work or the gym even knows I’m a Christian to begin with.

The Christian life is pretty easy when we don’t bother with those crosses Jesus called us to pick up… until we come to find out that neglecting those crosses brings with it its own set of struggles later on. Have you ever counted the cost of avoiding hard work or effort life in general? It often ends up costing more in the end, doesn’t it?

So it is with our crosses. When we avoid them, it often ends up costing us more in the end. Like maybe my marriage. Or my job. Or a friendship. Or my self-control that results in an addiction. So avoiding the hard crosses potentially leaves us much worse off than if we had picked them up and done the hard work in the first place. But just as hard things are worth it, so are crosses. 

In fact, the more we pick up the crosses Jesus allows in our lives, the more we see them for what they really are – not burdens, but blessings. But in order for us to see the blessings of our own crosses, we must first look to the greatest blessing that would ever come from a cross – the cross of Christ.

Jesus’ cross is hands down the greatest blessing. There alone do we find relief from the burden of our sin. For every cross we neglect, avoid, or ignore, Jesus’ cross forgives. For every time we blazed a path of our own making instead of following in his footsteps, Jesus’ cross forgives. For every time we pridefully presumed to know better than him, Jesus’ cross forgives. For every time chose wrong over right, Jesus’ cross forgives. And at Jesus’ cross we find not only forgiveness, but also freedom – freedom from guilt, from shame, from regret, from fear, and ultimately freedom from self.

Here’s how it works. The forgiveness that flows to me from Jesus’ cross leads me to look differently at my own crosses to bear. That’s because, to pick up a cross and bear it, carry it, I have to let go of something else. What, exactly? Self.

Jesus told the crowd, along with his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (v.34). Deny self. In our society today, you will not find a more radical ideology than that! To a culture that has cemented its celebration of self in how we identify – gender, sexual or political orientation, skin color, and an endless list of other labels, Jesus demands that we let go of it. Deny it. To a culture that says the real problem is everyone else failing to embrace me for who I am, Jesus says, “Wrong – who you are is the problem. Self is the problem.

You want something that is real, something that matters, not just for this short life, but for eternity? Then listen up.” “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (v.35-37). Insist on self and risk losing everything. Let go of self and gain everything in following Jesus. 

Then, when we aren’t so enamored with individualism and consumed with self, we can see what matters most. “He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. He spoke plainly about this…” (v.31-32). THIS is what it looks like to deny self and be free to serve others. Jesus, God-in-the-flesh Jesus, denied himself and suffered and died, not for self, but for you. For me. For everyone else. For the greater good. For eternity. For suffering to be temporary and for salvation to be forever. For limiting the number of occupants in hell. And for freeing us to put each other first. That’s what the gospel does. 

Who benefits when we are free of serving self? My neighbor. You may disagree with me, but that care for my neighbor, care for the greater good of the group over self, seems to me to be what is sorely lacking in our culture today.

One of the things I find so appealing about World War II history is the selflessness of that generation. I’m aware that movies and books covering that period may occasionally go over the top in glorifying the spirit of those times and the heroes who served them. Nevertheless, there was a very real awareness of the need to come together to serve the greater good of society over the individual, and if that hadn’t happened, the outcome could have been disastrous. 

I don’t know that it could be done today. Oh I don’t doubt there would be many armchair quarterbacks sharing their opinions of what should be done. I don’t doubt there would be many activists somehow imagining that their boycott or opposition or stand for this or that might be making a grand difference. But I do doubt that our self-absorbed, self-serving society would be able to come together for the greater good if it means sacrificing our individualism.

But Jesus can change that, because the cross he died on not only forgives us, but frees us from self and empowers and equips us to pick up our own crosses. When we pick up those crosses, others are blessed. We are blessed. And God is at his best through us.

Bounce Back to His Name

(Mark 1:21-28)

A name is a pretty big deal. A name is of course much more than just the sound made by a combination of letters when we read them together. A name is the reputation that is associated with a person. It’s so natural for us to connect the two – a name and an immediate reputation – that even if I just mention a generic name, like Matt, Sarah, Mike, or Rachel, you immediately think of a specific Matt, Sarah, Mike, or Rachel. You immediately associate a specific person whenever you hear a name. That’s why a person’s name or reputation is so important, and why we strive to establish or maintain a good name – it’s what people think of when they think of us – good or bad!

A name is also really quite a powerful thing. We might not think of our own name as being that powerful, but consider what happens when someone else steals your name. Anyone who has ever dealt with this is well aware of how much power a name can have. If someone successfully steals a name, an identity, that person can tap into bank accounts and retirement accounts and max out credit cards and do all kinds of damage. A name is a powerful thing. You can also name drop or give a name as a referral and doing so can sometimes provide certain perks or benefits that we wouldn’t have access to on our own. 

And of course, every one of us appreciates it when others know or remember our name. I recall not too long ago being with my wife at one of her work events. There were a number of very successful people she works with in attendance, many of whom we knew by name, but surely didn’t expect to be known by them. As I started chatting with another guy there I knew, his wife came by. I was so impressed when he paused to introduce me to her and he remembered my name.  Here I was a nobody, and yet this individual who was in another league of business success, made it a point of knowing me by name. 

Names matter, and none more so than God’s. In fact, each Sunday in this series has either directly or indirectly pointed us to God’s name, his reputation, everything we know about him. Our connection to God is the key to being OK when life isn’t. We bounce back to the Word because more than anything else, it points us to his saving name and reveals all that is necessary for us to know about God to not only to be saved, but also to be kept in the saving faith. We bounce back to baptism because it comforts us to know that in baptism he branded us with his name and our identity is based on that. We bounce back to witness which is nothing more than confessing his saving name to others. Last Sunday we bounced back to prayer, which is offered up in his name to the One who has revealed that he can do more than we can ever ask or imagine. Everything comes back to his name, and what is truly mind-blowing is that the most powerful name of all longs to know us by name, too.

Just how powerful is that name that is above every name who also longs to know each of us by name? Look no further than the Gospel for this morning. Though other teachers had come and gone in the synagogue at Capernaum, this one was different. Jesus was different. “When the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law” (Mark 1:21-22). “The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee” (v.27-28). This guy didn’t teach like others. They could only quote the readings and the works of others, but Jesus revealed his wisdom, his brilliance, his insights into the Scriptures without needing to quote the “experts.” Furthermore, the content of his message surely oozed grace and forgiveness, tying the Scriptures together with the Savior and the fulfillment of salvation God had promised his people. And as a result, Jesus’ reputation spread.

Not only was he becoming known as an amazing authoritative teacher, but he also demonstrated the power of his name in a satanic showdown. Mark tells us that a man possessed by an evil spirit was among those gathered in the synagogue that day. Are you surprised to see Satan in a synagogue? Don’t be. After all, where else does he have the most work to do? He’s got it easy out in the world, where God’s and his Word are afterthoughts on so few radars. But where God’s people gather around his Word – there is the biggest threat to Satan’s puny reign as the prince of this world! So he will do all he can to infiltrate, attack, divide, and destroy the place where the Word is prominently preached, sung, and spoken week after week. Yes, he will even take possession of minds and hearts that are not already filled with Jesus, so that he might control and manipulate them for his purposes.

Do you doubt that such demon possession takes place today? Do not doubt it. Though it may not appear to be so prevalent in our western culture, isn’t that how Satan would prefer it? When we hear the violent ramblings and wild and erratic behavior of those struggling on the streets, wouldn’t Satan be delighted to be pulling off the greatest disguise if he convinced us that every one of those cases is just a matter of someone struggling with addiction or mental disorder? Isn’t it a possibility that at least some of that can be attributed to Satan’s work? But even if that isn’t the case, couldn’t we also reason that Satan has precious little need of demon possession in our culture because he’s already enjoying so much success? He’s made tremendous strides in distracting our society with worldly pleasures and concerns so that Jesus is nowhere to be found in people’s plans and schedules. Nevertheless, if you speak with Christian missionaries who serve in parts of the world where pagan rituals and spiritism and are prevalent, you will hear story upon story of demon possession being alive and well. So it is real, and it is powerful.

Satan has lots of different ways of working, but one could argue that none of them are more formidable than demon possession. So many of Satan’s antics are subtle and sly, but demon possession is bold and blatant, as if his intent is to bully us away from Jesus via fear and intimidation. But if that is the best he’s got, see what small work Jesus made of it! Jesus gave a command and obedience followed. “‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek” (v.25-26).There was no defiant refusal from the demon. There was no terms of negotiation. There was no other option but to comply with Christ’s command. So powerful is the Son of God!

So when Jesus demonstrates his unrivaled power against the devil when the devil brings his “A game,” might Jesus have the power to stand up to the devil’s lesser tricks and temptations as well? Surely! The issue in such cases is never whether Jesus can, but rather whether or not we call on his name to do so. There is no more powerful name than his. We need but call on it, and he will answer. When the devil sows his seeds of doubt and anxiety, call on the name of the Prince of Peace and see if it makes a difference. When you are in need of direction to keep you on the right path, call on the name of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When you are tempted, call on the name of the one who was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet was without sin. When you are filled with fear, call on the name of the one who is your Refuge and Strength. When you can’t do it alone, call on the name of the one who is your Helper.

And know that Jesus himself did this, too! At a different point in Jesus’ life and ministry, much closer to his suffering and death, Jesus recalled the power of God’s name on your behalf. This is the prayer Jesus prayed for you: “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me” (John 17:11-12). See how Jesus called on the power of God’s name to protect and keep you!

And as we close out this series, what a wonderful way to reflect on how we close out each service. Until relatively recent history, the Christian church concluded worship with the blessing. Then it became the practice to sing a closing hymn. But don’t let the blessing be lost just because it’s not last. God’s intent behind giving us that blessing, as we were reminded in the First Lesson from Numbers, was to put his name on us. When you leave this time of gathering for worship each week (which we also begin in Jesus’ name), we leave with the blessing of his name. And the neat part is that I didn’t come up with that; the church didn’t come up with that – God did! He wants to bless his people by placing his name on us. “So they will put my name on [them], and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:27). Wouldn’t that be enough? Even if there was not a single song or hymn that you liked, no Scripture reading that stuck with you, nothing earth-shattering in the sermon, but each week wouldn’t it be reason enough to gather here just to depart with the promise that you enter another week not just with your own name, but with his name on you? Surely that would go a long way in helping ensure that we’re OK, even when life isn’t.