For Sons

Loving Father,
Thank you for the gift of sons. All children are a blessing from your hand, but sons and daughters are each unique in their own ways. Sons often display a competitive nature and physicality that can be shaped and nurtured positively as they become men. It allows them to fulfill the role you call them to in sacrificially loving and protecting women in general and their future wives more specifically. Sons also demonstrate a curious nature, longing to discover and explore, which you have used to bless mankind throughout the ages. 

Of course these qualities, if not lovingly developed by fathers who lead their sons well, can also be contributing factors in future harm and wrongdoing that is carried out. So I pray that you provide sons with strong fathers who are intentional about modeling not only what it looks like to be a man, but especially a Christian man to their sons. Give fathers the realization of how much influence they truly have over their sons, and direct them to use it positively. Where sons lack a father’s presence in the home, surround them with strong men who take them under their wing to influence them in meaningful and helpful ways. 

Bless sons also with loving mothers who can demonstrate care and compassion for them, so they display these essential qualities in their lives as well. Let mothers provide a balance of gentleness and humility for their sons to see and to emulate. 

Through both parents, ensure that above all else, Christ is central in the home and in life, so that sons may learn to know what unconditional love is, and love Christ and others deeply in return because of it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Prioritize My Sleep

Sabbath Lord,
Thank you for the blessing of sleep. It provides our bodies with the necessary downtime to carry out many important functions that are essential for our lives. Sleep is tied significantly to both our physical and mental health and wellness. 

Sometimes others downplay sleep, associating it with either weakness or laziness. Don’t allow such peer pressure to negatively influence my own perception of sleep. At the same time, whether out of anxiety or ambition, I am often too willing to allow my sleep schedule to be sacrificed first. Help me to prioritize getting a good night’s rest by establishing good sleep patterns and carefully guarding that time. Minimize my late nights and grant me rest and rejuvenation so I wake up refreshed and energized each day. When I’m restless or sleep is simply difficult to come by with age or other circumstances, lead me to be all the more grateful for any good sleep you provide. As I work in this area of my life, bless me with peace-filled sleep.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Control My Responses

Sanctifying Spirit,
While I cannot control the circumstance around me or what happens to me, I am responsible for how I respond and react. Give me the spiritual and mental composure to remain in control, even when unpleasant and undesirable things happen to me. Keep me from allowing disappointment to sow seeds of bitterness or resentment that can take root in my heart if unchecked. In every situation, direct me to align my thoughts, words, and actions with your Word and will. Remove any blindspots that would keep me from picking up on my own negative or destructive thought patterns. Guide me along your paths of righteousness and allow only what is pure and noble to reside in my heart and mind.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

Remember Your Baptism

(Titus 3:4-7)

I was recently reminded of what I don’t particularly care for this time of year: the pronounced darkness. Not so much the darkness outside – that I’m used to. The darkness is the most striking inside immediately after all of the Christmas decorations have come down. In our home those include the warm glow of Christmas nightlights accenting the outlets, subtle string lights woven through the greenery on the fireplace mantle, and various other Christmas pieces throughout the house that have regularly cast their subtle flicker or glimmer every evening. I’ve gotten accustomed to their cozy welcome at night since the beginning of December until Epiphany, and now the darkness is so much more pronounced.

That’s also illustrative of how many people feel this time of year. While it’s said to have started as a marketing ploy, what’s been dubbed “Blue Monday” usually takes place the third Monday in January. There are a number of reasons why many might struggle that time of year: for some it may literally be the darker days, as less daylight can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bills that come due from the December spending and already-broken resolutions are some other contributing factors. Really, whether it’s this time of year or any other, when we struggle with being down, as helpful as it is to identify the cause, what’s more helpful is finding the solution. And that solution may be much easier – and far more helpful than you’ve ever realized: remember your baptism.

You’ve heard the words before. They’ve been offered as encouragement. They sound like something a pastor or Christian might say to another Christian. But what do they actually mean? How do we actually remember our baptism? Why should something so plain and ordinary on the surface be able to actually do anything meaningful for me in my daily life?

If you look at the font in the front of my church, you’ll see how plain it is. It’s not ornate. There’s not a single design or engraving on it. There are no colors or special attention-grabbing features except the cross protruding from its top. It has just four legs supporting a plain base that holds a plain and simple stainless steel bowl. Into that bowl goes plain water right from the tap. There may not be many fonts out there that are more plain than this ours. 

But what happens there is anything but plain. It is profound. It is powerful. It is also pictured in Paul’s letter to Pastor Titus. “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life” (v.4-7). When you hear the words “remember your baptism,” remember these words. 

A business may determine it’s time to reinvent itself. Maybe it’s a result of some bad publicity. Maybe it’s because profits have been sliding. Maybe it’s some other reason. But whatever the reason, it decides to inject a new look or a new approach. The desired outcome of course is that reinventing itself will get the business back on a healthy track.

Individuals sometimes take the same approach. It’s more than just getting a makeover, although that may be a part of it. It’s a whole new you, different from what people have become accustomed to.

But as believers, we don’t need to reinvent; we just need to remember. We need to remember who we are because of whose we are, and whose we are was established at our baptism. There you were marked and sealed as belonging to God. In your baptism, God set you apart and gave you an identity that serves and secures you not just for your time here on earth, but for eternity.

If you aren’t sure who you are or who you want to be, it’s less about looking ahead and contemplating all the changes you need to make, and more about looking back and remembering all the changes God already made for you that he poured on you at your baptism. Remember these words: “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life” (v.4-7).

But there’s a difference between being told all of this spiritual talk in church (or reading about it in a devotion or on a blog during the week) and living in the joy of that identity. We agree that the verses from Titus 3 are nice-sounding, and they certainly line up with everything the Bible teaches, and we even believe them to be true.

So why do so many walk out the door on a Sunday morning and immediately slip right back into trying to reinvent themselves or pursue some other identity? Why do we say to ourselves, “Oh, that was a nice little spiritual pep-talk this morning,” but nothing real happens in our lives, no real changes? 

I am convinced it has a lot to do with not reflecting on and thinking about so many of the words and promises of God, like the ones we have before us here from Titus. So which words shall we focus on? Which ones do you have to start believing to see yourself differently? Which ones do you have to believe to grasp how radically changed you are in Christ?

Let’s start with the phrase that is repeated twice: “he saved us” (v.5). How often do you stop to soak up what that means? Apart from “the kindness and love of God our Savior” (v.4), we know where we would be headed, right? Making it sting even more, we’re not just talking about some younger version of ourselves that didn’t know better and needed saving; we’re talking about the you today and the you tomorrow that will again and again demonstrate why you need saving. You can’t stop sinning. You can’t give it up. You keep on doing it, whether it’s calculated, consciously, or carelessly. Every single day you demonstrate why you need saving. 

And so every single day, these words ought to be life for you and me: “he saved us.” While you keep daily demonstrating why you need saving, his one-time sacrifice in the past already rescued you. That is your status: saved. No Seasonal Affective Disorder, no December bills, and no already-broken resolutions can ever change that identity. You are saved. Remember these words!

And let there be no doubt about how: “through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (v.5). Who needs reinventing when we remember that through baptism we’ve already been reborn and renewed? See how Paul gushes about baptism, echoing the words of Jesus to Nicodemus to be born again of water and the Spirit (cf. John 3)! 

The new year is always swarmed with publicity and promotions selling a “new you.” And everything from skin creams to day spas promise to rejuvenate and renew you.

But they promise what you already have in your baptism. The new you reborn at your baptism doesn’t age or deteriorate, but only grows in sanctified living and loving Jesus. Your renewal is daily, as you remember the sins that Jesus washed away and drowned along with your old self. Whenever you cast those sins away through confession, you are renewed again and again, without limit. Remember these words!

And be sure these words are reliable because “through Jesus Christ our Savior, [you have] been justified by his grace” (v.6-7). Let it be this simple: God says you are not guilty because of Jesus.

Read it again: God says you are not guilty because of Jesus.

That is what grace declares you to be: not guilty. Remember these words!

But wait, there’s more! If, as God declares, you are not guilty, and there is nothing to deny or disqualify you from heaven, then that makes you “heirs having the hope of eternal life” (v.7).

How much would your life change, not just decades down the road, but today, if today you found out you were an heir to an estate valued at hundreds of millions of dollars? Even though it may be years until that fortune is yours to manage, you would start living like it today. You would make all kinds of plans. You’d envision paying off all debt. You’d imagine splurging on a wild spending spree. You’d think about how it will change your family tree. You’d start discussing causes to support and generous gifts to give. You’d plan out a legendary legacy. You would do so much right now even though as an heir you won’t inherit anything until the future. 

Can it be any different as an heir who has the hope of eternal life? This is not church talk or religious speak here – that inheritance is worth ridiculously more than some multimillion or even billion dollar estate. Is there any reason you can’t live like that right now? Absolutely not!

Your debt has already been paid. You can splurge spiritually and feed your soul like never before. You can change your family tree by putting Jesus first and helping your loved ones do the same. You can discuss causes to support and generous gifts to give that build up Christ’s kingdom. You can plan a legendary legacy that will see that your kingdom impact will continue long after you’ve gone home and received your inheritance in heaven. You can do so much right now as “heirs having the hope of eternal life.” Remember these words!

Does it make sense yet? Do you get it? Can you articulate what it means to remember your baptism? It means to remember all that you are and have through Jesus because all that he did for you is yours in baptism. 

Your identity is secure. Live with confidence. Live over fear. Live out your faith. Live in the light.

Live in your baptism. 


To Bless My Plans and Follow Through

Heavenly Father,
Two weeks into the new year is about the time many new year resolutions have already failed or begin heading in that direction. While there is nothing special about a resolution being set and kept at the beginning of the year, your Word does encourage us both to make plans and to follow through with our commitments. So today I ask your blessing in both of those areas.

Help me to see the value of planning in my life and in the work of your church. When we don’t make plans, we easily remain stagnant and stuck. We don’t move forward or grow. Uncover any growth opportunities in my life that may not be clear to me and provide me with your direction in establishing goals and plans to achieve them. Do the same as I observe the ministry of my local congregation and my role in it. 

Then, Lord, grant me the drive and discipline to follow through with those plans. Help me avoid the pitfalls of procrastination and establish traction and built the necessary momentum to keep after my goals. When distractions or unforeseen challenges arise, give me focus and flexibility to adapt as needed and stay on track. Give me the encouragement of noticeable progress and provide whatever push I may need along the way until I finish what I started and achieve my goals. Finally, I submit all that I am asking to your will and blessing.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Prudence in Managing My Finances

Dear God,
Any good gift I have comes from your loving hand. All that I have from you is a trust to be managed. Help me to be prudent in my handling of it. 

I especially seek your guidance in managing my finances. Others may welcome debt as a normal part of life, but I want to avoid it as much as possible and live within my means. While it is a simple recipe to avoid spending more than I make, it is also simple to thoughtlessly and effortlessly purchase unnecessary items and services with the click of a button from my phone or laptop. Keep me free from slavery to stuff while also avoiding the reputation of being a stingy miser. Let me be known for a generosity that willingly meets the needs of others and eagerly supports gospel ministry. Richly bless my faithful efforts at managing what you entrust to me, so that I may continue to honor you by richly blessing others with it.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Live in My Baptismal Grace

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. On this Sunday, many services and sermons will be focused on Jesus’ baptism. It was there that you both anointed and affirmed him, setting him apart as our Substitute and your Son, who was perfectly qualified to secure our salvation. 

Just as you revealed his identity at his baptism, so also did you reveal my identity at my baptism: by faith you call me your son. As your son, I am also heir to your kingdom. Surely the inheritance awaiting me in heaven far surpasses anything I could ever inherit on earth! Therefore, let me embrace the treasure that is my baptism, by which you clothed me in Christ adopted me into your family. Let my baptism be for me all that I need to live securely every day in my identity and status before you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Bring Good Even Out of Disaster

God of All Goodness,
Even though natural disasters are able to bring about devastation and destruction, they also provide a setting for you to demonstrate how you keep your promise to work good in all situations. When people are threatened or in danger, we see the best in mankind as others are willing to sacrifice and put their own lives at risk to rescue or help them. Prayers are multiplied in the midst of tragedy and turmoil, which is not only a blessing for those in harm’s way, but also for those directing their focus and attention to you.

When we learn from mistakes in how certain things were handled, we are better-equipped the next time disaster strikes. Catastrophes also provide channels for charity to be exercised to meet the needs of those experiencing loss. And of course, those unaffected or untouched by the disaster are more appreciative, grateful that they were spared. Continue to bring good from all situations, and grant many the gift of faith to see it and to be edified by it – even when disaster strikes.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Experiencing Devastating Loss

Providential Lord,
Recent and ongoing wildfires have taken so much from so many. The homes and possessions lost are so much more than just their appraised value; they are ties to family histories and portals to precious memories. Our belongings don’t just belong to us, but in some ways are extensions of us. And as men, for better or worse, our successes and achievements are often connected to our possessions. 

We feel for those who have experienced devastating loss. While it is difficult for us to imagine the magnitude of their situation, give us empathetic hearts and genuine concern for their welfare. Whether a person had much or had little, when it is suddenly all stripped away, they are on equal footing. 

Provide for their needs. Cause avenues of generosity to pour out on their behalf. Guard them from being taken advantage of as they seek to put their lives back together. Band together communities of care and concern to take up their cause and be their advocates. Replace what can be replaced, while also letting faded or forgotten memories ease the sense of loss. 

Through all of this, open many eyes to the realization that Job had: you give and you take away; blessed is your name. May what has so suddenly been lost also serve as a reminder of how richly and generously you provided in the first place. Above all else, I pray that the loss of worldly belongings heightens appreciation for heavenly blessings and the spiritual riches that flow from them, which cannot perish, spoil, or fade away. Truly, those who have you have everything they need. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Extinguish the Wildfires

Almighty God,
Wildfires continue to burn around Southern California, leaving little more than embers and ash where homes and buildings used to stand. As the Lord who brought all of creation into existence with your mighty word, you also govern and direct all of nature. I boldly pray that you use whatever means necessary to bring the burning under control and extinguish the fires as swiftly as possible. Allow all who are still in the wildfires’ paths to safely evacuate and spare the loss of any more lives. 

Guard and protect all who are battling the flames, and provide them with access to every resource needed to carry out their work effectively. Still the winds and grant firefighters favorable conditions as they put their lives on the line. Give wisdom, discernment, and clear communication skills to those overseeing all firefighting and rescue efforts. 

While it appears to many that devastation and chaos are in control, through your clear intervention in this disaster, make it known that you are and always will be the one with all power and authority, reigning over all things and directing them for both your temporal and eternal purposes. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.