For God-Pleasing Thoughts

Holy Spirit,
One of the greatest blessings unique to mankind is our capacity for thought. I am able to reflect on events from my past and hope for future plans, to get lost in my imagination or ponder my present realities. These can be wonderful things. But, they can also be distractions, or worse, lead to dark places that end up producing bad fruit in my life. Without the new man raised up in me through faith in Jesus, my thoughts would so easily be controlled by the evil one. 

But in Christ I am empowered to direct my thoughts toward what is good and God-pleasing. Therefore, guard my heart and guide my thoughts. Keep what is impure, hateful, violent, and greedy far from me. Allow my thoughts to be Spirit-guided so they are in alignment with your will. Let your Scriptures permeate my thinking so that all words and actions that flow from my thoughts clearly reflect that I am walking in your light.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For God Pleasing Thoughts

Sanctifying Spirit,
Guide my thoughts today. Since my thoughts determine my speech and actions, take them captive to your will so that I reflect your righteousness in every way possible today. Protect my eyes from anything that could lead to lustful desires creeping in and hijacking my focus. Guard me from greed and any of its lies that seek to chip away at my contentment and replace it with ingratitude. 

Instead, enable me to follow your direction by thinking of what is good and lovely, noble and pure. Make my attitude like that of Jesus, so that I prioritize the needs of others before my own. Lead me to meditate and reflect on your faithful promises throughout the day, so they may encourage me and provide hope if I need it. May I then reflect the joy of my salvation to others as I try to be more deliberate about reflecting on it. Bless my thoughts in ways that lead them to bear fruit in your kingdom.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.