To Speak Well of Others

Loving Lord,
Gossip is all around us. We live in a culture that effortlessly tears down, assumes the worst, and passes along negative information about others that may not even be true. I have been guilty of such speech and I have been on the receiving end of hurtful comments. We need to see that the problem isn’t only with the other person. Determining whether they did or didn’t do something in the first place or if they did, debating if it’s as grievous as charged, isn’t the only issue that needs attention.

The other part of the problem is my heart.

That’s the part of the issue I want to control. The way to keep my lips from malicious speech toward others is to guard my heart and mind from malicious thoughts. Regardless of what someone else did, I want to be aware of my own intent before I comment or share an opinion. Lead me always to assume the best of others and keep me from spreading slander and vitriol. Even when others have done wrong, let me see the wisdom in giving thoughtful consideration before offering any response. Help me to be quick to defend and speak well of others whenever possible and do not allow me to swim in the cesspool of society’s shocking speech. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Use Words Wisely

Spirit of Wisdom,
There is a time to listen and a time to speak, and I pray for the wisdom to know the difference. The wisdom of Proverbs and the warnings of James highlight the damage the tongue can do when words are spoken carelessly. In order to ensure that my speech honors you, blesses others, and upholds my reputation, make me quick to listen and slow to speak.

Keep my pride in check, for it desires to manipulate conversations and somehow make them about me. Fill me with the humility to hear others out before I insist on being heard. Give me ears that seek to understand. When I am quick to speak, may it be to ask questions that bring forth clarity in my assessment of a situation. Let thoughtfulness, charity, and wisdom accompany my words, so that my speech builds up others with courage and confidence, uplifts and comforts those who are hurting, and appropriately rebukes and admonishes those who are in the wrong. Use my ears and my lips to produce a harvest of righteousness in your kingdom. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.