To Appreciate Being Single

Lord God,
While it is a special blessing when you bring a husband and a wife together in marriage, let us also appreciate the blessings that come with being single. Each station in life, being single and being married, provide unique opportunities. Without the responsibility of caring for a spouse or child(ren), singles often have more freedom and flexibility in their schedules. That may allow them to more readily enjoy experiences in their lives that aren’t available to families or couples. Not being as tied down also opens up additional chances to serve others in more ways. 

While marriage requires much time and attention to be given to a spouse, being single means that time and attention can be directed to one’s relationship with you, Lord. Provide contentment to those who are single, and patience to those praying for a future spouse, so that in their desire to be married, they are not robbed of the joys unique to being single.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.