To Make a New Connection

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Worship is the highlight of the morning, but Sundays are also the one opportunity of the week that brings together the most members of my church family. While I value some of those relationships more than others and we may share a deeper bond, because everyone in the body of Christ matters to you, they also matter to me. 

Move me to step outside of my comfort zone this morning and introduce myself to someone new. Whether it’s a long-time member or a guest, give me the courage to make a new connection. Use me as a conduit to provide whatever might be needed to that individual. In turn, let me be open to any blessings you may be looking to grant me through them. Foster more of these kinds of connections among us, as they help build up and strengthen the body of Christ, while also glorifying you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.