Use Me to Overcome Evil with Good

Mighty God,
We are not only surrounded by evil everywhere, but as sinners we contribute to it ourselves as well. Nevertheless, when anything evil happens, you warn us not to be overcome by it. But you don’t stop there; you call us also to overcome evil with good. My sinful nature knows full well how daunting this is, for wherever evil is, there is a part of me that is drawn to it and longs to be a willing participant in it. 

Therefore, stir up in me the new man, set apart by the Holy Spirit to live a pure and blameless life. Let him win the day when evil arises, smothering wickedness with sanctified thoughts, words, and actions. Grand scale or small, may the good that comes from me bring a swift end to the fires of evil wherever they fan into flame. When gossip is spreading, let me stall and stop it. If lies catch on around me, let me snuff them out with the truth. May my righteousness overcome violence, my kindness kill cruelty, and my compassion counter indifference and animosity. You overcame the evil one by the cross; now use me as your instrument to continue carrying out your work and overcoming evil with your good. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.