For Musical Gifts in Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Thank you for those who preach the Word and serve the Sacrament. May their efforts continue to feed our faith as they keep us focused on Jesus and his saving work.

Working together with pastors in worship are those who use their musical gifts to guide God’s people in singing the good news of the gospel. Thank you for the musical variety you provide in worship through different instrumental and vocal gifts. Bless the time musicians put in practicing each week to play and sing in a way that strives for excellence in worship. Let them feel appreciated for all their efforts, and through their efforts, edify your people and glorify your name.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Music

Loving Father,
Thank you for the gift of music. I realize it isn’t an essential necessity for life, as are things like food, water, and sleep, but that speaks to your goodness and love even more! Music uplifts and brings joy, but can also match my mood when I am melancholy. It can move along gracefully or powerfully inspire and build up. Thank you for those with vocal and instrumental gifts who also have the desire to put them to use for the greater good. 

Thank you for many faithful composers and hymn writers throughout the centuries who have made the Scriptures singable. Thank you for the songs that have edified believers for so many generations in worship. Richly bless us with musical gifts both secular and sacred. Continue to raise up gifted musicians in your church to equip and enable us to sing your praises as we proclaim the good news of the gospel in song until Jesus’ return.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.