To Be a Man of Integrity

Dear God,
We live in a self-serving world. It is filled with those who are willing to compromise morals or values for personal gain. So many are comfortable saying one thing and doing another. Who they appear to be in the presence of others differs from who they are behind closed doors. I, too, have been guilty of this from time to time, which makes me all the more grateful for your grace and mercy!

However, I don’t want this kind of behavior to define who I am. Instead, make me a man of integrity. Align my words and actions so that I do what I say I will do. Free me from any temptation to present a persona based on certain situations or in front of certain people that is disingenuous. Lead me to own up to my mistakes and wrongdoings and attempt to make them right whenever I can. Shape me into a man who is not only concerned with giving the appearance of godliness, but rather who lives by and demonstrates godly character at all times, whether alone and unseen or in the company of others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.