To Raise Up Future Pastors

Holy Father,
Sundays are sacred. You richly bless your church by providing men to preach and teach the Word of God. Thank you for their commitment to ministry and their faithful sermon work and preparation for worship each week. Since pastors play such an integral role in making disciples, I pray that you continue to raise up young men to pursue the pastoral ministry. 

Use me to be a part of that. Help me to identify young men with the qualifications and gifts that would be suitable for future pastors. Fill me with words of encouragement to pass along to them, and use those words to plant seeds of interest in their minds. Provide meaningful experiences for them in our congregations to give them a taste of how rewarding ministry can be. Keep their names on my heart so that they may remain in my prayers and I remember to engage and interact with them regularly. The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few, so raise up many future pastors to help gather the harvest, and use my influence and encouragement in any way possible to nurture them along. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.