For Healing

Healing Lord,
Discomfort, pain, and suffering were never a part of your original plan for creation. Such experiences were foreign until sin entered the world. Ever since then they are commonplace.

Yet this is also true: you heal and make whole. And so I ask you, Lord, to bring me healing where I need it in body, mind, or soul. No matter the level of pain, whether it is excruciating and short-term, or relatively minor and chronic, stretch your healing hand over me and grant me relief. Do the same for others I know who are trying to manage their pain. No matter what level of healing you provide, do not let the devil succeed in any attempts at using pain to turn your children against you or doubt your love and care. All this I ask you, not because I deserve it, but because I trust you can provide it.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.