For Fathers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. On this Father’s Day Sunday, we realize how many of us are doubly-blessed. Not only do we have a perfect Heavenly Father who sustains us and provides for our every need, but we also have the blessing of our earthly fathers to imitate and model His strength and care for us.

For boys and men without such examples of earthly fathers, because they were/are either absent, negligent, or even abusive, we pray that their bond with you as their Heavenly Father may be even more meaningful. In the absence of earthly fathers, surround them with other men to serve as father-figures for them, and use their positive influence to be a blessing.

Forgive all that is sinful and lacking in fathers, and build them up into strong leaders in their marriages and families. When fathers provide structure and discipline as a foundation in raising their children, use that to guide and direct them as they navigate their way through life.

Lead fathers to walk their children to the cross, to live lives of repentance and renewal through the gospel, and to let faith shine brightly for all to see, always seeking to bring glory to you, their Heavenly Father.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.