For Guidance in Decision Making

Holy Spirit,
Grant me clarity in my decision making. There are some decisions before me that carry more weight than others, and I need your guidance. Train me to look first to you and your Word for answers, for promises, and for direction in my decision making. Help me to be discerning in the advice I receive from others. Open my eyes to determine when counsel is wise and prudent, and when it is to be avoided or dismissed altogether. When my feelings cloud my judgment, equip me to manage them so they do not lead me to make poor decisions. Finally, when you do provide me with the clarity and peace of mind I am asking for, give me the confidence to move forward with my decision, to fully trust in you to bless it as you see fit, and to remember to thank you in my prayers and in my sanctified living.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Peace of Mind in Decision Making

Dear God,
Some choices are easier to make than others. When I am faced with multiple options and not all of them are in alignment with your Word, that makes for easier decisions. But other times, neither of the options before me go against your will; I have only good options before me.

When I am in those situations, give me clarity to make wise decisions and the peace of mind to accept that whatever I decide will be pleasing to you. You never promised to provide an indicator or a sign directing me to the correct decision, but you do lay out many guiding principles in your Word and surround me with wise and experienced fellow Christians. When I prayerfully tap into these many resources in my decision-making, let me entrust my final decision to you for you to bless as you see fit. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Wisdom in Decision Making

Loving Lord,
Every day I have decisions to make, from simple choices that don’t really impact much else, to much weightier decisions that could affect not only me, but possibly many others. In every decision before me, I ask you to fill me with wisdom. Give me an undivided heart that seeks to bring every decision captive to your will. Help me to take into account the counsel of others while considering information and details that are reliable and true. Lead me to give thought to how others will be affected and which course of action will positively impact the most people. Keep my decisions from putting others at risk or in harm’s way. May all of my decisions glorify you. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.