For Fathers in the Home

Heavenly Father,
We address you as “Father” in the Bible, not only because we are your children by faith, but also because in you we see the perfect model of what fatherhood looks like. Today I pray for your blessing over fathers. Open their eyes to see the magnitude of their role in the raising of children. Because our culture has disparaged and downplayed dads and masculinity in general, it has resulted in too many fathers tip-toeing around their roles. Raise up strong fathers to embrace and lean into their responsibilities, using them to model for their sons and daughters the intangible qualities that are unique to them.

Use fathers to teach children what sacrificial living looks like. Use fathers to demonstrate what devoted commitment to a spouse looks like. Use fathers to provide discipline that is both loving and firm. Use fathers as a picture of strength, security, and safety for children. Use fathers also to model what humble contrition and repentance look like, depicting for their children what treasures your grace and forgiveness truly are. Love fathers deeply, that they may in turn lavish that same love on their family and children.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.