To Marvel at the Created World

God of all wisdom,
Thank you for your gifts of knowledge and intellect. Not only do such gifts allow us to know and understand you better as you reveal yourself to us in your Word, but they also amplify our love and appreciation for you as we know more about you through your created world. Create in us an ongoing curiosity to seek and discover more knowledge about the marvelous ways your created world works. Fascinate us with flora and fauna and how they thrive differently in a variety of ecosystems. Take our breath away with the vastness of the solar system and the galaxies within it. Through the ingenuity of the inner workings of our own human body, leave us in awe of your brilliance. As we grow in our appreciation for the world you have given us and entrusted to us, may we never cease to be amazed by your genius and drawn even closer to you. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.