Thank You That I Am a Christian

Gracious Father,
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on how good you are to me. The countless physical blessings surrounding me are daily reminders that you not only richly provide for my daily bread – my necessities – but also for so many of my wants. Thank you that having to go without basic needs is really an unfamiliar experience for me.

Surpassing the abundance of physical blessings, however, are the spiritual blessings that are also mine daily. These start with and flow from the name, Christian, which I bear solely because of your grace. This title, this name, carries with it a significance that is mine for eternity – to know that I belong to you and am yours! I stand in awe of my underserved status before you as a perfect man of God. Even the faith to grasp this reality is your gift to me! As a Christian, I rest in a daily peace that cannot be found anywhere else, a joy that cannot be filled from anything else, and grace that cannot be fulfilled by anyone else. Thank you that I bear this name: Christian!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Christian Teachers

Lord of the Church,
Thank you for providing faithful teachers and professors in our Christian schools. Whether at the elementary, high school, or college level, their role in educating the next generation is pivotal. They don’t merely pass along information, but teach students to think critically and to utilize their wonderfully created minds to discover and understand the universe, the world, and all that is in it.

Additionally – and most importantly – they do all of this while not only modeling their love for Jesus, but also connecting your Word and their faith to everything they learn. Use teachers to strengthen the faith of their students, while challenging them and equipping them to be model citizens who also let the light of their faith shine brightly. As teachers incorporate law and gospel into their lessons and teaching, build up the body of Christ. Bless their classrooms and their ministry, so that they see the fruit of their labors and are encouraged and uplifted by it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.