Thanks for My Church Family

Loving Father,
You provide so much more than we need for this life. One of the greatest joys you give us is the family of believers. We don’t navigate the challenges or celebrate the blessings of this life alone, but get to do so together with so many other believers. Thank you for my church family!

So much of what you call us to do as your children involves others, and my church family provides one of the best platforms for field training. Here is where I can learn to love, serve, and forgive, to hold accountable, correct, and encourage – among so many other things. Keep me from overlooking the importance of gathering together with fellow believers, so that I don’t miss out on how you would use them to shape and influence me, and vice-versa. As we walk together in carrying out your ministry, extend your kingdom from within and without, strengthening souls and reaching the lost, all to your glory. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.