To Be Present

Omnipresent Lord,
Since you are not bound by physical limitations or boundaries, the promise of your presence by my side at all times is a promise that can be trusted. It provides me with comfort in any situation and confidence in carrying out what you have called me to do and to be.

I, on the other hand, can only be in one place at a time. Therefore, I pray that you make me more aware of my surroundings. Rather than becoming so easily distracted by one thing or another, help me to be present and in the moment. I don’t want others to perceive me to be too busy for them or disinterested in their story. Remind me to slow down and take time to embrace the rhythms of each day’s routine and the various seasons of my life. I want to give myself fully to you and to others, not withholding any gifts or characteristics unique to me that could be a blessing to others. Each one of us is gifted 24 hours every day to manage in a way that reflects our gratitude. Help me to make the most of that time by fully appreciating it over the course of each and every day.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.