To Be Aware of the Needs of Others

Compassionate Savior,
During your time on earth, as both God and man, you were aware of the needs of others. Sometimes your omniscience revealed these needs; other times you were simply socially aware enough to pick up on when others were hurting or experiencing some degree of loss. You then responded accordingly, never too busy for others or too self-absorbed that you overlooked or ignored the needs of others.

While I want to be focused and faithful to my callings in life, never allow my concentration in one area of life to result in my inattentiveness to the needs of others. My calling to be a neighbor to others in need often opens the door to opportunities for you to be made known and glorified. Therefore, grant me the emotional intelligence to sense when others are hurting or need help. Whether the cues are subtle or plain as day, let me pick up on them, so that in whatever way possible, I may love and serve my neighbor according to his needs.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Be More Mindful

Lord God,
Make me more mindful. It is easy for me to jump from one thing to the next over the course of a day, as if taking orders from my calendar and everything that it has scheduled for me. I can get so caught up in productivity and performance that I miss out on life as it passes me by. Help me to pause and listen, to take note of my surroundings, and to be aware.

In doing so I can better appreciate the many details of how you have created and ordered everything around me. And, I pray that such mindfulness will also allow me to pick up on the needs of others. Perhaps my being present will embolden them to confide in me so I can provide a listening ear. Or, it may open any variety of other doors that lead to serving my neighbor. Whatever you have in store, Lord, reveal to me as I become more intentional about being mindfully aware. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.