For Those in Authority

Almighty God,
You reign supreme and oversee all things. You alone give all power and authority to those who govern and rule. Where such a responsibility and privilege is abused or neglected in our broken world, that isn’t a reflection of your holy desire to provide blessings through those in positions of authority. Forgive corrupt leaders and politicians for failing to serve as a conduit through which you intend to provide and protect citizens of their respective countries.

In your mercy, provide them with opportunities to right any wrongs and to learn from their mistakes and failures so that they might serve well. Supply leaders with sound support and sage advice from others, and grant them the humility to listen and to put wise counsel into practice. Give them discernment in identifying the needs of the people they serve, and the determination to meet those needs to the best of their ability. Finally, lead me to regularly keep my own local and national leaders in my prayers.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Those in Authority

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. How true this is when you remind me that you have placed others in authority over me! Although you intend those over me to be a blessing, submission doesn’t come naturally to me. Forgive me for my overconfident arrogance that presumes to know better than those you have placed over me.

Those in positions of authority in the government, the workplace, the church, and the home, are your representatives. Lead me to show them honor and respect, both directly and indirectly. Show me ways I can support them in their work. Let me reflect thankfulness to you and to them for their service through my obedience. Prompt me to pray for them regularly. Use them to bless and prosper many, and in any way possible, benefit your kingdom work in the process. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.