For a Healthy View of Worship Attendance

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. One of the greatest blessings of belonging to a church is gathering together for worship. While it is certainly an uplifting encouragement whenever we get to see God’s house filled, it’s too easy to allow our Sunday morning mood to be shaped by who is or isn’t in worship, or by numbers and attendance. Keep me from allowing external details like that to rob me of the internal joy that comes from being in your presence in your house. See that I have a spiritual healthy, loving concern for those who aren’t present, always assuming the best of them when I think of them. When I consider all of the ways that Satan works to keep God’s people out of his house on Sunday morning, lead me to rejoice by seeing everyone in attendance as a victor who won that battle that morning. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Example of Faithful Elderly Worshippers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. One of the ways I am encouraged on Sunday mornings is through the faithful attendance of the elderly. Even though they are in the final season of life, in which the energy and vigor of younger years has long since passed, worship is both a priority and a rich reward for them. Week in and week out, barring any health concerns or travel plans, many seniors are as dedicated as can be to going to church. Use their examples to inspire and encourage others along with me, so that we aspire to walk in their footsteps and increasingly long to be drawn closer to you in worship. Prompt me to give thought to the circumstances of these faithful spiritual warriors, so that I can help meet whatever needs they may have that will allow them to continue being both encouraged and encouragers on Sunday mornings.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.