To Appreciate Discipline

Gracious Father,
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on it produces a harvest of righteousness (cf. He. 12:11). When I am in need of correction or rebuke, thank you for placing others in my life who are willing to provide it. As hard as it might be to receive, help me accept it with open ears and a humble spirit. Provide me with the insight and awareness to see the good that you intend to come through it. 

When your discipline involves times of trial or testing, give me the patience to bear up under it and the perseverance to endure. When I struggle to see the potential blessings during these seasons of life, strengthen my grip on your promise to produce righteousness on the other side of such discipline. Remind me that just as a caring father disciplines his children, so do you, my loving Father, discipline me, your son. Thank you!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Consider the Influence of Others

Dear God,
Grant me wisdom in choosing the types of people I want to spend time with regularly. As I consider the type of man I want to be, help me identify others who share the attributes and qualities I wish to emulate. Since growing in my faith is an ongoing desire, being influenced and encouraged by others with that same desire is a priority. I also want to be challenged and pushed to grow and pursue personal development. And, in the same way that I wish to be positively influenced by others, use me as strong role model and positive influence for others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Grow in Christian Living

Gracious Lord,
When it comes to my knowledge of Christianity, while there is always room to grow, I am thankful for being quite knowledgeable about the Bible. However, when it comes to putting it into practice in my daily life, it is a struggle! Send your Holy Spirit to help me live what I know, since Christian teaching and Christian living go hand in hand. Guide my thoughts and actions to reflect the truths of your Word. Where I struggle with a mismatch between the good that I know and want to do with the bad stuff I keep on doing, lead me to repentance and refresh my guilty conscience with forgiveness. Renewed and restored, align my daily walk with your divine Word, so that I reflect your light as brightly as ever in this dark world. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Speak Up for Others

Dear Lord,
Keep me from giving into the temptation to join others when they are badmouthing someone. Help me instead to speak up for those who are not present to defend themselves when their names and reputation are being shot down and slandered. I don’t ever want to be the reason others may think less of someone. Use me to build up even when others tear down. Mark my speech with kind and uplifting words about others. Give me the confidence to discourage others from gossip and slander whenever it arises. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Faith of Those on the Fringe

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Multitudes who belong to you will gather together in your house for worship to be fed the Bread of Life. Sadly, some among them are on the fringe when it comes to their faith. They’ve questioned. They’ve struggled. It may have been some specific incident that caused it or a doctrine or teaching that offended. Whatever it is, Lord, Satan is ready to pounce and deal them the eternal death blow. 

But they belong to you, and since you promise not to snuff out a smoldering wick or break a bruised reed, I boldly ask you to use their time in your house this morning to help keep that promise. Use a timely word heard as the Bible is read or as it is proclaimed in the sermon, a touching phrase from a hymn, or some other relevant application of your Word in their life to provide exactly what they need. Guard and protect them as precious sheep of your flock, and authoritatively dismiss the devil with the reminder that he cannot claim those who are yours. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Those in Authority

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. How true this is when you remind me that you have placed others in authority over me! Although you intend those over me to be a blessing, submission doesn’t come naturally to me. Forgive me for my overconfident arrogance that presumes to know better than those you have placed over me.

Those in positions of authority in the government, the workplace, the church, and the home, are your representatives. Lead me to show them honor and respect, both directly and indirectly. Show me ways I can support them in their work. Let me reflect thankfulness to you and to them for their service through my obedience. Prompt me to pray for them regularly. Use them to bless and prosper many, and in any way possible, benefit your kingdom work in the process. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Governing

Loving Lord,
You encourage us to pray for our leaders of church and state, so I ask you to guide and direct all those holding offices of high trust at ever level in our government. Thank you for their hard labor and for their desire to represent constituents and citizens well. Guard them from being influenced by outside agendas and any corruption. Help them remain steadfast in their moral standards and conduct their responsibilities ethically. Surround them with wise counsel that seeks to serve the best interests of as many people as possible. Bless their dedicated work and watch and keep their families while they carry it out. Use them to govern our country in a way that prioritizes providing the necessary care for and discipline of our own citizens, and after that to offer any prudent help and aid to other nations as possible.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Who Go Above and Beyond

Gracious Father,
Thank you for those who go the extra mile. When I’ve had a positive experience at a restaurant or in a store, or anywhere else, thank you for everyone who contributed to make that happen. It is an easy thing for people to cut corners or carry out the bare minimum requirements, so when someone goes above and beyond, it shows. Help me to make sure I express my appreciation to those responsible when I notice lofty acts of service. May they also inspire the same in others and in me. Reward them with your favor and heap your blessings on their extra efforts.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Peace of Mind in Decision Making

Dear God,
Some choices are easier to make than others. When I am faced with multiple options and not all of them are in alignment with your Word, that makes for easier decisions. But other times, neither of the options before me go against your will; I have only good options before me.

When I am in those situations, give me clarity to make wise decisions and the peace of mind to accept that whatever I decide will be pleasing to you. You never promised to provide an indicator or a sign directing me to the correct decision, but you do lay out many guiding principles in your Word and surround me with wise and experienced fellow Christians. When I prayerfully tap into these many resources in my decision-making, let me entrust my final decision to you for you to bless as you see fit. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For a Healthy Prayer Life

Abba Father,
One of the greatest blessings I have as a believer is the privilege of bringing all things before you in prayer. You promise always to hear me and always to answer me. Help me prioritize prayer. I don’t want it to be just a morning/evening or before meals thing, but an all-through-the-day thing. When I speak to you in prayer, my thoughts are more directed to you and your trustworthy promises, and away from the many frustrations and distractions of this world. Keep me mindful of the prayers of intercession that I have promised to others, so that I approach your throne on their behalf regularly as well. Lead me always to approach prayer as a first line of defense and never as a last resort. Guide me in prayer so that all that I ask is in alignment with your will and desire for my life and for your kingdom. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.