For Fruit of the Spirit

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It is easy to see how these qualities would enrich anyone’s life. It is also easy to see how lacking these qualities are in my own life. I pray that you change that in me.

Work in me a genuine desire to want to bear more of this fruit in my life. Not only do these gifts honor you, but when they are present in the lives of believers, they are also a reflection of spiritual growth and maturity. Rather than stepping in sync with the world, bear this fruit in and through me, that I may walk in step with you instead. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Love Your Commands

Loving Lord,
You tell us in your Word that we love by keeping your commands. Yet, our sinful nature still bristles at the thought of being told by anyone else what to do or how to live. We prefer to call the shots and cater to our own self-serving wishes and desires.

Transform our view of your commands by changing our hearts to see your commands as they truly are. Your law is not a straitjacket, but a delight. There is genuine joy to be found not only in carrying out your will, but also in seeing how blessed we and others are when we do so. Lead us to love your law and fill us with your Spirit to keep us in step with it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Perseverance

Dear God,
Today I ask you for perseverance. There are responsibilities, circumstances, and people in my life that weigh heavily on me. At times I feel like I wish I could be transported away from it all and not have to worry about it anymore. 

Instead, lead me to lean on your strength during such times. Train me to remind myself that you have overcome all things for me. Provide me with the perseverance to continue faithfully using my time, energy, and gifts represent you well as I give my best for you and others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Overcome My Victim Mentality

Lord God,
It is so easy for me to play the role of victim. I relish any opportunity to throw myself a pity party and dwell on how unfair my life is. It’s so clear to me how much better off everyone else is. Whenever I see disparity, I am always on the side that is lacking or losing. My misery thrives when others validate how often I draw the short straw in life.  

Like the apostle Paul, what a wretched man I am! Shame on me! Forgive me for thinking so little of your promise that all who are in you overcome the world. There is no place for victims in the kingdom of the Victor. Free me from foolish thoughts of victimhood, surround me with others who care enough to call me out on it whenever I slip back into it, and restore to me the joy of my salvation.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Live in Triumph

Victorious Savior,
You have won for me a victory that I could never achieve on my own. You have defeated the devil. You have paid for my sin. You have undone death’s permanence. Because you have triumphed, so have I!

Lead me to live like it this week. Do not allow temporary troubles or short-term struggles to discourage or deter me from living in the confidence of your victory on my behalf. Confirm my belief in your promise that all who believe in you overcome the world, and grant me your Spirit to reflect that triumph in my thoughts, words, and actions this week. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Mothers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Feed our faith and refresh our souls in worship this morning. Through your Word, spur us on toward good deeds from the moment we leave your house until we gather again next week.

On this day we also take time to praise and thank you for the gift of mothers – our own as well as those to whom we’re married. A mother’s love is unique, and through it we gain some small sense of what your love for us looks like. Bless mothers with joy as they carry out their calling. When they are hit with waves of grief or sorrow, lift them up with your perfect love and compassion. Move families to support them and express their appreciation not only today, but daily. Such expressions of gratitude are also our offerings of thanks to you for the special gift of mothers.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Weekend Blessings

Gracious Lord,
Thank you for weekends. Not only is my job a blessing from you, but so is the time off, which allows me to return to work rested and refreshed. Lead me to manage my time well this weekend, realizing that how I do so is always an opportunity to honor you and serve my neighbor in love. If time together with friends and family is scheduled, use that time to cheer and uplift us, and give me ears to listen and the words to speak according to the needs of others. If I have time dedicated to projects or hobbies grant me the satisfaction of making meaningful progress and/or bringing them to completion. Help me to use any media or entertainment in moderation and in a way that restores and uplifts my spirit, rather than exposes me to that which would negatively influence me. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Love Those Who are Challenging to Love

Merciful Lord,
Today I pray for the compassion and capacity to love the challenging individuals(s) in my life. The reasons vary, and the level of hurt or the damage done may have been extensive, but I don’t want to hang on to bitterness or resentment. Where I seek healing from these past wounds, help me to find in you what I need, for I may never receive it from those who caused it. But by your grace I can choose forgiveness and love.

I marvel at the love that flowed from your dying lips as your heart was not concerned about revenge against the very hands that crucified you, but was instead focused on forgiveness. I crave this compassion, but I cannot extend it to others unless your unconditional love and mercy first directed at me brings about that change in my heart. Let your no-strings-attached love flow freely to me, that it might then flow through me to others – especially those most difficult to love.   

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Redirect My Love

Loving Savior,
When I struggle to love others, it isn’t because I don’t know how to love, but because I’ve allowed my love to be misdirected. Most naturally that misdirected love is focused on me. I put myself and my priorities above your call to love and serve others first. 

But I also find my heart drawn to loving others things, not just more than my neighbor, but even more than you. Weed such idolatry out of my heart! In its place plant the seeds of your Spirit so that abundant fruit – especially love for others – may flourish and ripen in my words and actions.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To See the Opportunities to Love Others

Loving Lord,
As I seek to carry out your call to love my neighbor, I don’t always know what that looks like. Open my eyes to see all of the opportunities that surround me. 

Often I don’t have to look very far at all, as those opportunities abound right under my own roof. Other times those opportunities reveal themselves through the needs of my neighbor. When their needs require me to make sacrifices, may your love prompt me to follow your example of sacrifice and serve them in love however I’m able. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.